Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4182

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124 STAT. 4156 PUBLIC LAW 111–383—JAN. 7, 2011 (C) F–35C aircraft. (2) Differences in capabilities that would result under the legacy F/A–18 aircraft service-life extension program if such program would— (A) provide only airframe-life extensions to the legacy F/A–18 aircraft fleet; and (B) provide for airframe-life extensions and capability upgrades to the legacy F/A–18 aircraft fleet. (3) Any disruption that procuring additional F/A–18E or F/A–18F aircraft, rather than extending the service life of legacy F/A–18 aircraft beyond 8,600 hours, would have on the plan of the Navy to procure operational carrier-variant Joint Strike Fighter aircraft. (4) Any changes that procuring additional F/A–18E or FA– 18F aircraft, rather than extending the service life of legacy F/A–18 aircraft beyond 8600 hours, would have on the force structure or force mix intended by the Navy for its carrier air wings. (5) Any other operational implication of extending (or not extending) the service life of legacy F/A–18 aircraft that the Secretary considers appropriate. (d) REPORT ON OPERATIONAL F/A–18 AIRCRAFT SQUADRONS.— Before reducing the number of F/A–18 aircraft in an operational squadron of the Navy or Marine Corps, the Secretary shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report that discusses the operational risks and impacts of reducing the squadron size. The report shall include an assessment of the following: (1) The effect of the reduction on the operational capability and readiness of the Navy and the Marine Corps to conduct overseas contingency operations. (2) The effect of the reduction on the capability of the Navy and the Marine Corps to meet ongoing operational demands. (3) Any mechanisms the Secretary intends to use to miti- gate any risks associated with the squadron size reduction. (4) The effect of the reduction on pilots and ground support crews of F/A–18 aircraft, in terms of training, readiness, and war fighting capabilities. (e) REPORT ON F/A–18 AIRCRAFT TRAINING SQUADRONS.—Before reducing the size of an F/A–18 aircraft training squadron, or transferring an F/A–18 training aircraft for operational needs, the Secretary shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report that describes— (1) any risks to sustaining required training of F/A–18 aircraft pilots with a reduced training aircraft base; and (2) any actions the Navy is taking to mitigate the risks described under paragraph (1). Subtitle C—Joint and Multiservice Matters SEC. 121. LIMITATIONS ON BIOMETRIC SYSTEMS FUNDS. Of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act or otherwise made available for fiscal year 2011 for biometrics pro- grams and operations, not more than 85 percent may be obligated or expended until—