Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4198

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124 STAT. 4172 PUBLIC LAW 111–383—JAN. 7, 2011 (A) the analytic basis (including the analytic process and methodology) that led to the recommendation of the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to pursue the phased, adaptive approach to missile defense in Europe, including the ability to defend deployed forces of the United States, allies, and partners in Europe, and the United States homeland, against the existing, emerging, and future threat from Iranian ballistic missiles in a timely and flexible manner; and (B) the planned defensive coverage of Europe provided by such missile defense. (2) A detailed explanation of the specific elements planned for each of the four phases of the phased, adaptive approach to missile defense in Europe, including schedules and param- eters of planned deployments of missile defense systems at sea and on land, and the knowledge points or milestones that will be required prior to operational deployment of those ele- ments. (3) A description of the factors and processes that will be used to determine the eventual numbers and locations of interceptors that will be deployed at sea and on land, and the concept of operations that will enable the phased, adaptive approach to missile defense in Europe to be operated in a flexible, adaptable, and survivable manner. (4) A description of the status of the development or produc- tion of the various elements of the phased, adaptive approach to missile defense in Europe, particularly the development of the standard missile-3, block IIA and block IIB interceptors, including the technical readiness levels of those systems under development and the plans for retiring the technical risks of such systems. (5) A description of the advances in technology that are expected to permit enhanced defensive capability of the phased, adaptive approach to missile defense in Europe, including air- borne infrared sensor technology, space sensor technology, and enhanced battle management, command, control, and commu- nications. (6) A discussion of how the phased, adaptive approach to missile defense in Europe will meet the operational needs of the commander of the United States European Command, and how it relates to plans to use a phased, adaptive approach to missile defense in other geographic regions. (7) An explanation of— (A) the views of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on the phased, adaptive approach to missile defense in Europe; and (B) how such missile defense fits into the current mis- sile defense strategy of NATO. (c) FORM.—The report shall be in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex. SEC. 228. INDEPENDENT REVIEW AND ASSESSMENT OF THE GROUND- BASED MIDCOURSE DEFENSE SYSTEM. (a) INDEPENDENT REVIEW AND ASSESSMENT REQUIRED.—The Secretary of Defense shall select an appropriate entity outside the Department of Defense to conduct an independent review and assessment of the ground-based midcourse defense system.