Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4274

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124 STAT. 4248 PUBLIC LAW 111–383—JAN. 7, 2011 (2) in paragraph (2), by inserting ‘‘as being described in this paragraph’’ after ‘‘paragraph (1)’’; and (3) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ‘‘(3) A health-care professional referred to in paragraph (1) as being described in this paragraph is a member of the National Guard who— ‘‘(A) has a current license to practice medicine, osteopathic medicine, dentistry, or another health profession; and ‘‘(B) is performing training or duty under section 502(f) of title 32 in response to an actual or potential disaster.’’. SEC. 714. IMPROVEMENTS TO OVERSIGHT OF MEDICAL TRAINING FOR MEDICAL CORPS OFFICERS. (a) REVIEW OF TRAINING PROGRAMS FOR MEDICAL OFFICERS.— (1) REVIEW.—The Secretary of Defense shall conduct a review of training programs for medical officers (as defined in section 101(b)(14) of title 10, United States Code) to ensure that the academic and military performance of such officers has been completely documented in military personnel records. The programs reviewed shall include, at a minimum, the fol- lowing: (A) Programs at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences that award a medical doctor degree. (B) Selected residency programs at military medical treatment facilities, as determined by the Secretary, to include at least one program in each of the specialties of— (i) anesthesiology; (ii) emergency medicine; (iii) family medicine; (iv) general surgery; (v) neurology; (vi) obstetrics/gynecology; (vii) pathology; (viii) pediatrics; and (ix) psychiatry. (2) REPORT.—Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report on the findings of the review under paragraph (1). (b) ANNUAL REPORT ON GRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION PRO- GRAMS.— (1) ANNUAL REPORT.—Not later than April 1, 2011, and annually thereafter through 2015, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report on the status of the graduate medical education programs of the Department of Defense. (2) ELEMENTS.—Each report under paragraph (1) shall include the following: (A) An identification of each graduate medical edu- cation program of the Department of Defense in effect during the previous fiscal year, including for each such program, the military department responsible, the location, the medical specialty, the period of training required, and the number of students by year.