Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4278

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124 STAT. 4252 PUBLIC LAW 111–383—JAN. 7, 2011 SEC. 724. LICENSED MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELORS AND THE TRICARE PROGRAM. Not later than June 20, 2011, the Secretary of Defense shall prescribe the regulations required by section 717 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (Public Law 110– 181; 10 U.S.C. 1073 note). TITLE VIII—ACQUISITION POLICY, AC- QUISITION MANAGEMENT, AND RE- LATED MATTERS Subtitle A—Acquisition Policy and Management Sec. 801. Disclosure to litigation support contractors. Sec. 802. Designation of engine development and procurement program as major subprogram. Sec. 803. Enhancement of Department of Defense authority to respond to combat and safety emergencies through rapid acquisition and deployment of ur- gently needed supplies. Sec. 804. Review of acquisition process for rapid fielding of capabilities in response to urgent operational needs. Sec. 805. Acquisition of major automated information system programs. Sec. 806. Requirements for information relating to supply chain risk. Subtitle B—Provisions Relating to Major Defense Acquisition Programs Sec. 811. Cost estimates for program baselines and contract negotiations for major defense acquisition and major automated information system programs. Sec. 812. Management of manufacturing risk in major defense acquisition pro- grams. Sec. 813. Modification and extension of requirements of the Weapon System Acqui- sition Reform Act of 2009. Sec. 814. Inclusion of major subprograms to major defense acquisition programs under various acquisition-related requirements. Subtitle C—Amendments to General Contracting Authorities, Procedures, and Limitations Sec. 821. Provisions relating to fire resistant fiber for production of military uni- forms. Sec. 822. Repeal of requirement for certain procurements from firms in the small arms production industrial base. Sec. 823. Review of regulatory definition relating to production of specialty metals. Sec. 824. Guidance relating to rights in technical data. Sec. 825. Extension of sunset date for certain protests of task and delivery order contracts. Sec. 826. Inclusion of option amounts in limitations on authority of the Department of Defense to carry out certain prototype projects. Sec. 827. Permanent authority for Defense Acquisition Challenge Program; pilot ex- pansion of Program. Sec. 828. Energy savings performance contracts. Sec. 829. Definition of materials critical to national security. Subtitle D—Contractor Matters Sec. 831. Oversight and accountability of contractors performing private security functions in areas of combat operations. Sec. 832. Extension of regulations on contractors performing private security func- tions to areas of other significant military operations. Sec. 833. Standards and certification for private security contractors. Sec. 834. Enhancements of authority of Secretary of Defense to reduce or deny award fees to companies found to jeopardize the health or safety of Gov- ernment personnel. Sec. 835. Annual joint report and Comptroller General review on contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Subtitle E—Other Matters Sec. 841. Improvements to structure and functioning of Joint Requirements Over- sight Council. Deadline. Regulations.