Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4307

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124 STAT. 4281 PUBLIC LAW 111–383—JAN. 7, 2011 ‘‘(C) assess the plans of the departments and agency for strengthening or improving the common databases identified under section 861(b)(4); and ‘‘(D) review and make recommendations on any specific contract or class of contracts that the Comptroller General determines raises issues of significant concern. ‘‘(3) ACCESS TO DATABASES AND OTHER INFORMATION.—The Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, and the Adminis- trator of the United States Agency for International Develop- ment shall provide to the Comptroller General full access to information on contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan for the pur- poses of the review carried out under this subsection, including the common databases identified under section 861(b)(4).’’. Subtitle E—Other Matters SEC. 841. IMPROVEMENTS TO STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONING OF JOINT REQUIREMENTS OVERSIGHT COUNCIL. (a) VICE CHAIRMAN OF JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF TO BE CHAIRMAN OF COUNCIL.—Subsection (c) of section 181 of title 10, United States Code, is amended— (1) in paragraph (1), by inserting ‘‘Vice’’ before ‘‘Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff’’; (2) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘‘, other than the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,’’ and inserting ‘‘under subpara- graphs (B), (C), (D), and (E) of paragraph (1)’’; and (3) by striking paragraph (3). (b) ROLE OF COMMANDERS OF COMBATANT COMMANDS AS MEM- BERS OF COUNCIL.—Paragraph (1) of subsection (c) of such section is further amended— (1) in subparagraph (D), by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end; (2) in subparagraph (E), by striking the period at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and (3) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ‘‘(F) in addition, when directed by the chairman, the com- mander of any combatant command (or, as directed by that commander, the deputy commander of that command) when matters related to the area of responsibility or functions of that command will be under consideration by the Council.’’. (c) CIVILIAN ADVISORS.— (1) ADDITIONAL CIVILIAN ADVISORS.—Subsection (d) of such section is amended by striking ‘‘The Under Secretary’’ and all that follows through ‘‘and expertise.’’ and inserting: ‘‘The following officials of the Department of Defense shall serve as advisors to the Council on matters within their authority and expertise: ‘‘(A) The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics. ‘‘(B) The Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller). ‘‘(C) The Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. ‘‘(D) The Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation. ‘‘(E) The Director of Operational Test and Evaluation. ‘‘(F) Such other civilian officials of the Department of Defense as are designated by the Secretary of Defense for purposes of this subsection.’’.