Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4358

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124 STAT. 4332 PUBLIC LAW 111–383—JAN. 7, 2011 to the joint community to meet requirements of the combat- ant commands. (2) In the case of the transmittal required by subsection (a)(2)— (A) an assessment of the effectiveness of the employ- ment of remotely piloted aircraft by each Armed Force, and a description of the percentage of joint force require- ments for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance that are being met by the remotely piloted aircraft of each Armed Force; (B) a description of the joint concept of operations under which each Armed Force provides intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capabilities through remotely piloted aircraft to meet the requirements of the combatant commands; (C) a description of the processes by which current requirements of the commanders of the combatant com- mands for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance are validated, and how the remotely piloted aircraft capabilities of each Armed Force are assigned against vali- dated requirements; (D) a description of the current intelligence, surveil- lance, and reconnaissance requirements of each combatant command through remotely piloted aircraft; (E) a description of how the requirements described under subparagraph (D) are being met; (F) an identification of any mission degradation or failure within the combatant commands due to lack of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance support; (G) a description of various means of addressing any shortfalls in meeting the requirements described under subparagraph (D), including temporary shortfalls and permanent shortfalls; (H) a description of the organization of the Unmanned Aerial System Task Force, including the goals and objec- tives of the task force and the participation and roles of each Armed Force within the task force; (I) a description of the organization of the Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Task Force, including the goals and objectives of the task force and the participa- tion and roles of each Armed Force within the task force; and (J) an identification of any theater-level intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capacity of an Armed Force that is not being made available by services to fulfill joint force requirements for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. (c) REMOTELY PILOTED AIRCRAFT DEFINED.—In this section, the term ‘‘remotely piloted aircraft’’ means any unmanned aircraft operated remotely, whether within or beyond line-of-sight, including unmanned aerial systems (UAS), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), remotely piloted vehicles (RPV), and remotely piloted aircraft (RPA).