Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4370

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124 STAT. 4344 PUBLIC LAW 111–383—JAN. 7, 2011 Sec. 1062. Prohibition on infringing on the individual right to lawfully acquire, pos- sess, own, carry, and otherwise use privately owned firearms, ammuni- tion, and other weapons. Sec. 1063. Development of criteria and methodology for determining the safety and security of nuclear weapons. Subtitle H—Other Matters Sec. 1071. National Defense Panel. Sec. 1072. Sale of surplus military equipment to State and local homeland security and emergency management agencies. Sec. 1073. Defense research and development rapid innovation program. Sec. 1074. Authority to make excess nonlethal supplies available for domestic emer- gency assistance. Sec. 1075. Technical and clerical amendments. Sec. 1076. Study on optimal balance of manned and remotely piloted aircraft. Sec. 1077. Treatment of successor contingency operation to Operation Iraqi Free- dom. Sec. 1078. Program to assess the utility of non-lethal weapons. Sec. 1079. Sense of Congress on strategic nuclear force reductions. Subtitle A—Financial Matters SEC. 1001. GENERAL TRANSFER AUTHORITY. (a) AUTHORITY TO TRANSFER AUTHORIZATIONS.— (1) AUTHORITY.—Upon determination by the Secretary of Defense that such action is necessary in the national interest, the Secretary may transfer amounts of authorizations made available to the Department of Defense in this division for fiscal year 2011 between any such authorizations for that fiscal year (or any subdivisions thereof). Amounts of authorizations so transferred shall be merged with and be available for the same purposes as the authorization to which transferred. (2) LIMITATION.—Except as provided in paragraph (3), the total amount of authorizations that the Secretary may transfer under the authority of this section may not exceed $4,000,000,000. (3) EXCEPTION FOR TRANSFERS BETWEEN MILITARY PER- SONNEL AUTHORIZATIONS.—A transfer of funds between military personnel authorizations under title IV shall not be counted toward the dollar limitation in paragraph (2). (b) LIMITATIONS.—The authority provided by this section to transfer authorizations— (1) may only be used to provide authority for items that have a higher priority than the items from which authority is transferred; and (2) may not be used to provide authority for an item that has been denied authorization by Congress. (c) EFFECT ON AUTHORIZATION AMOUNTS.—A transfer made from one account to another under the authority of this section shall be deemed to increase the amount authorized for the account to which the amount is transferred by an amount equal to the amount transferred. (d) NOTICE TO CONGRESS.—The Secretary shall promptly notify Congress of each transfer made under subsection (a). SEC. 1002. AUTHORIZATION OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR OPERATIONS IN AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ, AND HAITI FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010. In addition to the amounts otherwise authorized to be appro- priated by this division, the amounts authorized to be appropriated Determination.