Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4501

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124 STAT. 4475 PUBLIC LAW 111–383—JAN. 7, 2011 (2) ELEMENTS OF REPORT.—The report required under para- graph (1) shall include the following: (A) A description of the actual training requirements and completed training events involving Fleet Carrier Landing Practice operations at Naval Air Station Oceana and Naval Auxiliary Landing Field Fentress for the pre- vious 10 years, to include statistics for the current fiscal year. (B) An assessment of the aviation training require- ments and completed aviation training events conducted on all existing Navy outlying landing fields and installa- tions located in North Carolina and Virginia, to include statistics for the current fiscal year. (C) An assessment of the suitability of all Naval installations in North Carolina and Virginia to conduct Fleet Carrier Landing Practice operations, including nec- essary facility modifications and requirements to de-conflict with current operations at each installation. (D) A description of the estimated funding necessary to construct a new outlying landing field at each of the five sites under current consideration, and a cost compari- son analysis between construction of a new outlying landing field versus use of an existing facility. (E) A description of all completed or pending environ- mental studies conducted on any of the five sites currently under consideration, including the methodology, conclu- sions, and recommendations. (F) Criteria for the basing of the Joint Strike Fighter F-35 aircraft and a description of the outlying landing field facilities that will be required to support its training requirements. SEC. 2852. REQUIREMENTS RELATED TO PROVIDING WORLD CLASS MILITARY MEDICAL CENTERS. (a) UNIFIED CONSTRUCTION STANDARD FOR MILITARY CONSTRUC- TION AND REPAIRS TO MILITARY MEDICAL CENTERS.—Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall establish a unified construction standard for mili- tary construction and repairs for military medical centers that provides a single standard of care. This standard shall also include— (1) size standards for operating rooms and patient recovery rooms; and (2) such other construction standards that the Secretary considers necessary to support military medical centers. (b) INDEPENDENT REVIEW PANEL.— (1) ESTABLISHMENT; PURPOSE.—The Secretary of Defense shall establish an independent advisory panel for the purpose of— (A) reviewing the unified construction standards estab- lished pursuant to subsection (a) to determine the stand- ards consistency with industry practices and benchmarks for world class medical construction; (B) reviewing ongoing construction programs within the Department of Defense to ensure medical construction standards are uniformly applied across applicable military medical centers; Deadline. 10 USC 2802 note.