Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4505

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124 STAT. 4479 PUBLIC LAW 111–383—JAN. 7, 2011 and management for the repair, renovation, construction, and management of military family housing. (5) The Air Force has used the Military Housing Privatiza- tion Initiative to award 27 projects at 44 military bases to improve over 37,000 homes. (6) The Air Force has received $7,100,000,000 in total development investment from the private sector for new housing with a taxpayer contribution of approximately $425,000,000, representing a 15 to 1 leveraging of taxpayer dollars. (7) The Air Force, like the other military services, has been able to leverage varying conditions of housing at military bases into fiscally viable projects by packaging housing inven- tories at multiple bases into a single transaction. (8) Congress has approved transactions involving the pack- aging of multiple bases as a critical tool to maximize the efficient use of taxpayer funds. (9) Congress supports the goal of the Air Force to complete transactions for the repair, renovation, construction, and management of 100 percent of their military family housing inventory in the United States by December 31, 2012. (10) The Air Force currently has 6 project solicitations prepared for open competition at 22 Air Force installations to improve over 15,000 homes. (b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—It is the sense of Congress that the Secretary of the Air Force should use existing authority to carry out solicitations for the 6 military housing projects involving the packaging of 22 bases consistent with the goal of improving 15,000 homes for Air Force personnel and their families by December 31, 2012. SEC. 2857. SENSE OF CONGRESS REGARDING RECREATIONAL HUNTING AND FISHING ON MILITARY INSTALLATIONS. It is the sense of the Congress that— (1) military installations that permit public access for rec- reational hunting and fishing should continue to permit such hunting and fishing where appropriate; (2) permitting the public to access military installations for recreational hunting and fishing benefits local communities by conserving and promoting the outdoors and establishing positive relations between the civilian and defense sectors; (3) any military installations that make recreational hunting and fishing permits available for purchase should pro- vide a discounted rate for active and retired members of the Armed Forces and veterans with disabilities; and (4) the Department of Defense, all of the service branches, and military installations that permit public access for rec- reational hunting and fishing should promote access to such installations by making the appropriate accommodations for members of the Armed Forces and veterans with disabilities.