Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4614

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124 STAT. 4588 PROCLAMATION 8476—FEB. 1, 2010 21, 2010, as National Angel Island Day. I call upon the people of the United States to learn more about the history of Angel Island and to observe this anniversary with appropriate ceremonies and activities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of January, in the year of our Lord two thousand ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fourth. BARACK OBAMA Proclamation 8476 of February 1, 2010 National African American History Month, 2010 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation In the centuries since African Americans first arrived on our shores, they have known the bitterness of slavery and oppression, the hope of progress, and the triumph of the American Dream. African American history is an essential thread of the American narrative that traces our Nation’s enduring struggle to perfect itself. Each February, we recog- nize African American History Month as a moment to reflect upon how far we have come as a Nation, and what challenges remain. This year’s theme, ‘‘The History of Black Economic Empowerment,’’ calls upon us to honor the African Americans who overcame injustice and inequality to achieve financial independence and the security of self empower- ment that comes with it. Nearly 100 years after the Civil War, African Americans still faced daunting challenges and indignities. Widespread racial prejudice in- hibited their opportunities, and institutional discrimination such as black codes and Jim Crow laws denied them full citizenship rights. De- spite these seemingly impossible barriers, pioneering African Ameri- cans blazed trails for themselves and their children. They became skilled workers and professionals. They purchased land, and a new generation of black entrepreneurs founded banks, educational institu- tions, newspapers, hospitals, and businesses of all kinds. This month, we recognize the courage and tenacity of so many hard- working Americans whose legacies are woven into the fabric of our Na- tion. We are heirs to their extraordinary progress. Racial prejudice is no longer the steepest barrier to opportunity for most African Ameri- cans, yet substantial obstacles remain in the remnants of past discrimi- nation. Structural inequalities—from disparities in education and health care to the vicious cycle of poverty—still pose enormous hur- dles for black communities across America. Overcoming today’s challenges will require the same dedication and sense of urgency that enabled past generations of African Americans to rise above the injustices of their time. That is why my Administration is laying a new foundation for long-term economic growth that helps more than just a privileged few. We are working hard to give small businesses much-needed credit, to slash tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas, and to give those same breaks to companies that