Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/47

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124 STAT. 21 PUBLIC LAW 111–139—FEB. 12, 2010 (h) GUIDANCE ON ESTIMATES AND CURRENT POLICY ADJUST- MENTS.— (1) MIDDLE CLASS TAX CUTS.—For purposes of estimates made pursuant to subsection (f)— (A) each of the income tax provisions shall be estimated as though the AMT had remained at current law as sched- uled on December 31, 2009 to be in effect; and (B) if more than 1 of the income tax provisions is included in a single piece of legislation, those provisions shall be estimated in the order in which they appear. (2) AMT.—For purposes of estimates made pursuant to subsection (e), changes to the AMT shall be estimated as if, on the date of enactment of legislation meeting the criteria in subsection (e)(1), all of the income tax provisions identified in subsection (f)(1) were made permanent. SEC. 8. APPLICATION OF BBEDCA. For purposes of this title— (1) notwithstanding section 275 of BBEDCA, the provisions of sections 255, 256, 257, and 274 of BBEDCA, as amended by this title, shall apply to the provisions of this title; (2) references in sections 255, 256, 257, and 274 to ‘‘this part’’ or ‘‘this title’’ shall be interpreted as applying to this title; (3) references in sections 255, 256, 257, and 274 of BBEDCA to ‘‘section 254’’ shall be interpreted as referencing section 5 of this title; (4) the reference in section 256(b) of BBEDCA to ‘‘section 252 or 253’’ shall be interpreted as referencing section 5 of this title; (5) the reference in section 256(d)(1) of BBEDCA to ‘‘section 252 or 253’’ shall be interpreted as referencing section 6 of this title; (6) the reference in section 256(d)(4) of BBEDCA to ‘‘section 252 or 253’’ shall be interpreted as referencing section 5 of this title; (7) section 256(k) of BBEDCA shall apply to a sequestra- tion, if any, under this title; and (8) references in section 257(e) of BBEDCA to ‘‘section 251, 252, or 253’’ shall be interpreted as referencing section 4 of this title. SEC. 9. TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS. (a) Section 250(c)(18) of BBEDCA is amended by striking ‘‘the expenses the Federal deposit insurance agencies’’ and inserting ‘‘the expenses of the Federal deposit insurance agencies’’. (b) Section 256(k)(1) of BBEDCA is amended by striking ‘‘in paragraph (5)’’ and inserting ‘‘in paragraph (6)’’. SEC. 10. CONFORMING AMENDMENTS. (a) Section 256(a) of BBEDCA is repealed. (b) Section 256(b) of BBEDCA is amended by striking ‘‘origina- tion fees under sections 438(c)(2) and 455(c) of that Act shall each be increased by 0.50 percentage point.’’ and inserting in lieu thereof ‘‘origination fees under sections 438(c)(2) and (6) and 455(c) and loan processing and issuance fees under section 428(f)(1)(A)(ii) of that Act shall each be increased by the uniform percentage specified in that sequestration order, and, for student loans originated during Repeal. 2 USC 906. 2 USC 900. 2 USC 937.