Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4746

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124 STAT. 4720 PROCLAMATION 8587—OCT. 15, 2010 Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth. BARACK OBAMA Proclamation 8587 of October 15, 2010 National Forest Products Week, 2010 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Since the first communities and settlements in our Nation, forests and their products have played a vital role in our growth and economic de- velopment. Forests have also enhanced the splendor of our sur- roundings, served as wildlife habitats, provided places for recreational activities, and offered serene settings for contemplation. As we mark the 50th anniversary of National Forest Products Week, we recognize the enduring value of forests as sustainable, renewable, and bountiful resources, and we recommit to our stewardship and efforts to further their conservation. Our Nation’s forests provide us with clean water and air, wood, wild- life, recreation, and beauty. Forest products can be seen in myriad places in our daily lives, from the houses we live in to the paper we write on. National Forest Products Week draws attention to these in- valuable resources, and to the importance of ensuring our forests re- main flourishing ecosystems that will provide indispensable benefits for current and future generations. Every forested acre represents an opportunity to reduce the effects of climate change; to protect habitats and communities; to explore nature; to provide clean air and water; and to produce raw materials like timber, fiber, and biomass. Earlier this year, I launched the America’s Great Outdoors Initiative to develop a 21st-century conservation agenda that will reconnect Ameri- cans with the outdoors and protect our Nation’s vast and varied natural heritage. Senior officials from my Administration have been traveling across America to learn about innovative ways that private land- owners; State, local, and tribal governments; conservationists; and other concerned citizens are coming together to preserve our natural resources. They have also heard about the many benefits our forests and their products provide the Nation. In this time of economic recovery, we must not forget the jobs created and supported by forest management and restoration, as well as the significant contributions made by the Americans who work in these sectors. They not only help bring forest products to market, but also spur innovative ways to move our country forward. Forests provide re- newable and recyclable commodities, and scientific exploration can find new frontiers of growth in their application. Through new tech- nologies, we have made progress in nanotechnology, enhanced biofuels and biochemicals; expanded our knowledge of medicinal plants; and examined more sustainable green building practices. Through careful conservation of our forests, we can ensure future generations will be able to both enjoy these national treasures and expand upon the many uses we have for their products today.