Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/4798

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124 STAT. 4772 PROCLAMATION 8618—DEC. 21, 2010 1974 Act, section 4 of the USIFTA Act, and section 111 of the URAA do proclaim that: (1) The designation of the DRC as a beneficiary sub-Saharan African country for purposes of section 506A of the 1974 Act is terminated, ef- fective on January 1, 2011. (2) In order to reflect in the HTS that beginning on January 1, 2011, the DRC shall no longer be designated as a beneficiary sub-Saharan Af- rican country, general note 16(a) to the HTS is modified by deleting ‘‘Democratic Republic of Congo’’ from the list of beneficiary sub-Saha- ran African countries. (3) In order to implement U.S. tariff commitments under the 2004 Agreement through December 31, 2011, the HTS is modified as pro- vided in the Annex to this proclamation. (4)(a) The modifications to the HTS made by the Annex to this proc- lamation shall be effective with respect to goods that are the product of Israel and are entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consump- tion, on or after January 1, 2011. (b) The provisions of subchapter VIII of chapter 99 of the HTS, as modified by the Annex to this proclamation, shall continue in effect through December 31, 2011. (5) In order to implement the multilateral agreement negotiated under the auspices of the WTO to eliminate tariffs on certain pharma- ceutical products and chemical intermediates, and to make technical corrections in the tariff treatment accorded to such products, the HTS is modified as set forth in Publication 4208 of the United States Inter- national Trade Commission, entitled ‘‘Modifications to the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States to Implement Changes to the Phar- maceutical Appendix’’ (Publication 4208), which is incorporated by reference into this proclamation. (6) The modifications to the HTS made in Publication 4208 shall be effective with respect to articles entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after January 1, 2011. (7) Any provisions of previous proclamations and Executive Orders that are inconsistent with the actions taken in this proclamation are su- perseded to the extent of such inconsistency. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-first day of December, in the year of our Lord two thousand ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth. BARACK OBAMA