Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/543

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124 STAT. 517 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 ‘‘(6) documenting the care delivered and communicating essential information about such care, including a summary of the medication review, and the recommendations of the pharmacist to other appropriate health care providers of the patient in a timely fashion; ‘‘(7) providing education and training designed to enhance the understanding and appropriate use of the medications by the patient, caregiver, and other authorized representative; ‘‘(8) providing information, support services, and resources and strategies designed to enhance patient adherence with therapeutic regimens; ‘‘(9) coordinating and integrating MTM services within the broader health care management services provided to the patient; and ‘‘(10) such other patient care services allowed under phar- macist scopes of practice in use in other Federal programs that have implemented MTM services. ‘‘(d) TARGETED INDIVIDUALS.—MT M services provided by licensed pharmacists under a grant or contract awarded under subsection (a) shall be offered to targeted individuals who— ‘‘(1) take 4 or more prescribed medications (including over- the-counter medications and dietary supplements); ‘‘(2) take any ‘high risk’ medications; ‘‘(3) have 2 or more chronic diseases, as identified by the Secretary; or ‘‘(4) have undergone a transition of care, or other factors, as determined by the Secretary, that are likely to create a high risk of medication-related problems. ‘‘(e) CONSULTATION WITH EXPERTS.—In designing and imple- menting MTM services provided under grants or contracts awarded under subsection (a), the Secretary shall consult with Federal, State, private, public-private, and academic entities, pharmacy and pharmacist organizations, health care organizations, consumer advocates, chronic disease groups, and other stakeholders involved with the research, dissemination, and implementation of phar- macist-delivered MTM services, as the Secretary determines appro- priate. The Secretary, in collaboration with this group, shall deter- mine whether it is possible to incorporate rapid cycle process improvement concepts in use in other Federal programs that have implemented MTM services. ‘‘(f) REPORTING TO THE SECRETARY.—An entity that receives a grant or contract under subsection (a) shall submit to the Sec- retary a report that describes and evaluates, as requested by the Secretary, the activities carried out under subsection (c), including quality measures endorsed by the entity with a contract under section 1890 of the Social Security Act, as determined by the Sec- retary. ‘‘(g) EVALUATION AND REPORT.—The Secretary shall submit to the relevant committees of Congress a report which shall— ‘‘(1) assess the clinical effectiveness of pharmacist-provided services under the MTM services program, as compared to usual care, including an evaluation of whether enrollees main- tained better health with fewer hospitalizations and emergency room visits than similar patients not enrolled in the program; ‘‘(2) assess changes in overall health care resource use by targeted individuals; Determination.