Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/589

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124 STAT. 563 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 (2) to the extent practicable, establish standards and health status targets for Medicaid beneficiaries participating in the program and measure the degree to which such standards and targets are met; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of the program and provide the Secretary with such evaluations; (4) report to the Secretary on processes that have been developed and lessons learned from the program; and (5) report on preventive services as part of reporting on quality measures for Medicaid managed care programs. (d) EVALUATIONS AND REPORTS.— (1) INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT.—The Secretary shall enter into a contract with an independent entity or organization to conduct an evaluation and assessment of the initiatives carried out by States under this section, for the purpose of determining— (A) the effect of such initiatives on the use of health care services by Medicaid beneficiaries participating in the program; (B) the extent to which special populations (including adults with disabilities, adults with chronic illnesses, and children with special health care needs) are able to partici- pate in the program; (C) the level of satisfaction of Medicaid beneficiaries with respect to the accessibility and quality of health care services provided through the program; and (D) the administrative costs incurred by State agencies that are responsible for administration of the program. (2) STATE REPORTING.—A State awarded a grant to carry out initiatives under this section shall submit reports to the Secretary, on a semi-annual basis, regarding the programs that are supported by the grant funds. Such report shall include information, as specified by the Secretary, regarding— (A) the specific uses of the grant funds; (B) an assessment of program implementation and les- sons learned from the programs; (C) an assessment of quality improvements and clinical outcomes under such programs; and (D) estimates of cost savings resulting from such pro- grams. (3) INITIAL REPORT.—Not later than January 1, 2014, the Secretary shall submit to Congress an initial report on such initiatives based on information provided by States through reports required under paragraph (2). The initial report shall include an interim evaluation of the effectiveness of the initia- tives carried out with grants awarded under this section and a recommendation regarding whether funding for expanding or extending the initiatives should be extended beyond January 1, 2016. (4) FINAL REPORT.—Not later than July 1, 2016, the Sec- retary shall submit to Congress a final report on the program that includes the results of the independent assessment required under paragraph (1), together with recommendations for such legislation and administrative action as the Secretary determines appropriate. Contracts. Reports. Reports.