Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/617

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124 STAT. 591 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 ‘‘(17) FEDERALLY QUALIFIED HEALTH CENTER.—The term ‘Federally qualified health center’ has the meaning given that term in section 1861(aa) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395x(aa)). ‘‘(18) FRONTIER HEALTH PROFESSIONAL SHORTAGE AREA.— The term ‘frontier health professional shortage area’ means an area— ‘‘(A) with a population density less than 6 persons per square mile within the service area; and ‘‘(B) with respect to which the distance or time for the population to access care is excessive. ‘‘(19) GRADUATE PSYCHOLOGY.—The term ‘graduate psy- chology’ means an accredited program in professional psy- chology. ‘‘(20) HEALTH DISPARITY POPULATION.—The term ‘health disparity population’ has the meaning given such term in sec- tion 903(d)(1). ‘‘(21) HEALTH LITERACY.—The term ‘health literacy’ means the degree to which an individual has the capacity to obtain, communicate, process, and understand health information and services in order to make appropriate health decisions. ‘‘(22) MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE PROFESSIONAL.—The term ‘mental health service professional’ means an individual with a graduate or postgraduate degree from an accredited institu- tion of higher education in psychiatry, psychology, school psy- chology, behavioral pediatrics, psychiatric nursing, social work, school social work, substance abuse disorder prevention and treatment, marriage and family counseling, school counseling, or professional counseling. ‘‘(23) ONE-STOP DELIVERY SYSTEM CENTER.—The term ‘one- stop delivery system’ means a one-stop delivery system described in section 134(c) of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 2864(c)). ‘‘(24) PARAPROFESSIONAL CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH WORKER.—The term ‘paraprofessional child and adoles- cent mental health worker’ means an individual who is not a mental or behavioral health service professional, but who works at the first stage of contact with children and families who are seeking mental or behavioral health services, including substance abuse prevention and treatment services. ‘‘(25) RACIAL AND ETHNIC MINORITY GROUP; RACIAL AND ETHNIC MINORITY POPULATION.—The terms ‘racial and ethnic minority group’ and ‘racial and ethnic minority population’ have the meaning given the term ‘racial and ethnic minority group’ in section 1707. ‘‘(26) RURAL HEALTH CLINIC.—The term ‘rural health clinic’ has the meaning given that term in section 1861(aa) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395x(aa)).’’. (c) TITLE VIII OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ACT.—Section 801 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 296) is amended— (1) in paragraph (2)— (A) by striking ‘‘means a’’ and inserting ‘‘means an accredited (as defined in paragraph 6)’’; and (B) by striking the period as inserting the following: ‘‘where graduates are— ‘‘(A) authorized to sit for the National Council Licen- sure EXamination-Registered Nurse (NCLEX–RN); or