Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/649

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124 STAT. 623 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 appropriately credentialed volunteer faculty and practi- tioners, who do not have formal training in geriatrics, to upgrade their knowledge and clinical skills for the care of older adults and adults with functional limitations and to enhance their interdisciplinary teaching skills. ‘‘(B) LOCATION.—A fellowship shall be offered either at the geriatric education center that is sponsoring the course, in collaboration with other geriatric education cen- ters, or at medical schools, schools of dentistry, schools of nursing, schools of pharmacy, schools of social work, graduate programs in psychology, or allied health and other health professions schools approved by the Secretary with which the geriatric education centers are affiliated. ‘‘(C) CME CREDIT.—Participation in a fellowship under this paragraph shall be accepted with respect to complying with continuing health profession education requirements. As a condition of such acceptance, the recipient shall agree to subsequently provide a minimum of 18 hours of vol- untary instructional support through a geriatric education center that is providing clinical training to students or trainees in long-term care settings. ‘‘(5) ADDITIONAL REQUIRED ACTIVITIES DESCRIBED.—Pursu- ant to paragraph (3), a geriatric education center that receives an award under this subsection shall use such funds to carry out 1 of the following 2 activities. ‘‘(A) FAMILY CAREGIVER AND DIRECT CARE PROVIDER TRAINING.—A geriatric education center that receives an award under this subsection shall offer at least 2 courses each year, at no charge or nominal cost, to family caregivers and direct care providers that are designed to provide practical training for supporting frail elders and individuals with disabilities. The Secretary shall require such Centers to work with appropriate community partners to develop training program content and to publicize the availability of training courses in their service areas. All family care- giver and direct care provider training programs shall include instruction on the management of psychological and behavioral aspects of dementia, communication tech- niques for working with individuals who have dementia, and the appropriate, safe, and effective use of medications for older adults. ‘‘(B) INCORPORATION OF BEST PRACTICES.—A geriatric education center that receives an award under this sub- section shall develop and include material on depression and other mental disorders common among older adults, medication safety issues for older adults, and management of the psychological and behavioral aspects of dementia and communication techniques with individuals who have dementia in all training courses, where appropriate. ‘‘(6) TARGETS.—A geriatric education center that receives an award under this subsection shall meet targets approved by the Secretary for providing geriatric training to a certain number of faculty or practitioners during the term of the award, as well as other parameters established by the Secretary. ‘‘(7) AMOUNT OF AWARD.—An award under this subsection shall be in an amount of $150,000. Not more than 24 geriatric education centers may receive an award under this subsection. Requirements.