Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/676

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124 STAT. 650 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 system redesign, incorporating the principles of the patient- centered medical home to provide high-quality, effective, efficient, and safe primary care and to provide guidance to patients in culturally and linguistically appropriate ways, and linking practices to diverse health system resources. ‘‘(B) PRIMARY CARE PROVIDER.—The term ‘primary care provider’ means a clinician who provides integrated, acces- sible health care services and who is accountable for addressing a large majority of personal health care needs, including providing preventive and health promotion serv- ices for men, women, and children of all ages, developing a sustained partnership with patients, and practicing in the context of family and community, as recognized by a State licensing or regulatory authority, unless otherwise specified in this section. ‘‘(b) GRANTS TO ESTABLISH STATE HUBS AND LOCAL PRIMARY CARE EXTENSION AGENCIES.— ‘‘(1) GRANTS.—The Secretary shall award competitive grants to States for the establishment of State- or multistate- level primary care Primary Care Extension Program State Hubs (referred to in this section as ‘Hubs’). ‘‘(2) COMPOSITION OF HUBS.—A Hub established by a State pursuant to paragraph (1)— ‘‘(A) shall consist of, at a minimum, the State health department, the entity responsible for administering the State Medicaid program (if other than the State health department), the State-level entity administering the Medi- care program, and the departments of 1 or more health professions schools in the State that train providers in primary care; and ‘‘(B) may include entities such as hospital associations, primary care practice-based research networks, health professional societies, State primary care associations, State licensing boards, organizations with a contract with the Secretary under section 1153 of the Social Security Act, consumer groups, and other appropriate entities. ‘‘(c) STATE AND LOCAL ACTIVITIES.— ‘‘(1) HUB ACTIVITIES.—Hubs established under a grant under subsection (b) shall— ‘‘(A) submit to the Secretary a plan to coordinate func- tions with quality improvement organizations and area health education centers if such entities are members of the Hub not described in subsection (b)(2)(A); ‘‘(B) contract with a county- or local-level entity that shall serve as the Primary Care Extension Agency to administer the services described in paragraph (2); ‘‘(C) organize and administer grant funds to county- or local-level Primary Care Extension Agencies that serve a catchment area, as determined by the State; and ‘‘(D) organize State-wide or multistate networks of local-level Primary Care Extension Agencies to share and disseminate information and practices. ‘‘(2) LOCAL PRIMARY CARE EXTENSION AGENCY ACTIVITIES.— ‘‘(A) REQUIRED ACTIVITIES.—Primary Care Extension Agencies established by a Hub under paragraph (1) shall— Contracts. Plans.