Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/692

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124 STAT. 666 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 disabilities, individuals with dementia, and individuals with mental and behavioral health needs). ‘‘(x) Self-Care. ‘‘(B) IMPLEMENTATION.—The implementation issues specified in this subparagraph include the following: ‘‘(i) The length of the training. ‘‘(ii) The appropriate trainer to student ratio. ‘‘(iii) The amount of instruction time spent in the classroom as compared to on-site in the home or a facility. ‘‘(iv) Trainer qualifications. ‘‘(v) Content for a ‘hands-on’ and written certifi- cation exam. ‘‘(vi) Continuing education requirements. ‘‘(4) APPLICATION AND SELECTION CRITERIA.— ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.— ‘‘(i) NUMBER OF STATES.—The Secretary shall enter into agreements with not more than 6 States to conduct demonstration projects under this subsection. ‘‘(ii) REQUIREMENTS FOR STATES.—An agreement entered into under clause (i) shall require that a participating State— ‘‘(I) implement the core training competencies described in paragraph (3)(A); and ‘‘(II) develop written materials and protocols for such core training competencies, including the development of a certification test for personal or home care aides who have completed such training competencies. ‘‘(iii) CONSULTATION AND COLLABORATION WITH COMMUNITY AND VOCATIONAL COLLEGES.—The Sec- retary shall encourage participating States to consult with community and vocational colleges regarding the development of curricula to implement the project with respect to activities, as applicable, which may include consideration of such colleges as partners in such implementation. ‘‘(B) APPLICATION AND ELIGIBILITY.—A State seeking to participate in the project shall— ‘‘(i) submit an application to the Secretary con- taining such information and at such time as the Sec- retary may specify; ‘‘(ii) meet the selection criteria established under subparagraph (C); and ‘‘(iii) meet such additional criteria as the Secretary may specify. ‘‘(C) SELECTION CRITERIA.—In selecting States to participate in the program, the Secretary shall establish criteria to ensure (if applicable with respect to the activities involved)— ‘‘(i) geographic and demographic diversity; ‘‘(ii) that participating States offer medical assist- ance for personal care services under the State Med- icaid plan; ‘‘(iii) that the existing training standards for per- sonal or home care aides in each participating State— Contracts.