Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/716

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124 STAT. 690 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 ‘‘(vi) A description of the nature of the payment or other transfer of value, indicated (as appropriate for all that apply) as— ‘‘(I) consulting fees; ‘‘(II) compensation for services other than con- sulting; ‘‘(III) honoraria; ‘‘(IV) gift; ‘‘(V) entertainment; ‘‘(VI) food; ‘‘(VII) travel (including the specified destina- tions); ‘‘(VIII) education; ‘‘(IX) research; ‘‘(X) charitable contribution; ‘‘(XI) royalty or license; ‘‘(XII) current or prospective ownership or investment interest; ‘‘(XIII) direct compensation for serving as fac- ulty or as a speaker for a medical education pro- gram; ‘‘(XIV) grant; or ‘‘(XV) any other nature of the payment or other transfer of value (as defined by the Secretary). ‘‘(vii) If the payment or other transfer of value is related to marketing, education, or research specific to a covered drug, device, biological, or medical supply, the name of that covered drug, device, biological, or medical supply. ‘‘(viii) Any other categories of information regarding the payment or other transfer of value the Secretary determines appropriate. ‘‘(B) SPECIAL RULE FOR CERTAIN PAYMENTS OR OTHER TRANSFERS OF VALUE.—In the case where an applicable manufacturer provides a payment or other transfer of value to an entity or individual at the request of or designated on behalf of a covered recipient, the applicable manufac- turer shall disclose that payment or other transfer of value under the name of the covered recipient. ‘‘(2) PHYSICIAN OWNERSHIP.—In addition to the requirement under paragraph (1)(A), on March 31, 2013, and on the 90th day of each calendar year beginning thereafter, any applicable manufacturer or applicable group purchasing organization shall submit to the Secretary, in such electronic form as the Secretary shall require, the following information regarding any owner- ship or investment interest (other than an ownership or invest- ment interest in a publicly traded security and mutual fund, as described in section 1877(c)) held by a physician (or an immediate family member of such physician (as defined for purposes of section 1877(a))) in the applicable manufacturer or applicable group purchasing organization during the pre- ceding year: ‘‘(A) The dollar amount invested by each physician holding such an ownership or investment interest. ‘‘(B) The value and terms of each such ownership or investment interest.