Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/755

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124 STAT. 729 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 variations and health disparities in terms of delivery and outcomes of care, the potential for new evidence to improve patient health, well-being, and the quality of care, the effect on national expenditures associated with a health care treatment, strategy, or health conditions, as well as patient needs, outcomes, and preferences, the relevance to patients and clinicians in making informed health decisions, and priorities in the National Strategy for quality care established under section 399H of the Public Health Service Act that are consistent with this section. ‘‘(B) ESTABLISHING RESEARCH PROJECT AGENDA.—The Institute shall establish and update a research project agenda for research to address the priorities identified under subparagraph (A), taking into consideration the types of research that might address each priority and the relative value (determined based on the cost of con- ducting research compared to the potential usefulness of the information produced by research) associated with the different types of research, and such other factors as the Institute determines appropriate. ‘‘(2) CARRYING OUT RESEARCH PROJECT AGENDA.— ‘‘(A) RESEARCH.—The Institute shall carry out the research project agenda established under paragraph (1)(B) in accordance with the methodological standards adopted under paragraph (9) using methods, including the following: ‘‘(i) Systematic reviews and assessments of existing and future research and evidence including original research conducted subsequent to the date of the enact- ment of this section. ‘‘(ii) Primary research, such as randomized clinical trials, molecularly informed trials, and observational studies. ‘‘(iii) Any other methodologies recommended by the methodology committee established under paragraph (6) that are adopted by the Board under paragraph (9). ‘‘(B) CONTRACTS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF FUNDING AND CONDUCT OF RESEARCH.— ‘‘(i) CONTRACTS.— ‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—In accordance with the research project agenda established under para- graph (1)(B), the Institute shall enter into con- tracts for the management of funding and conduct of research in accordance with the following: ‘‘(aa) Appropriate agencies and instrumen- talities of the Federal Government. ‘‘(bb) Appropriate academic research, pri- vate sector research, or study-conducting enti- ties. ‘‘(II) PREFERENCE.—In entering into contracts under subclause (I), the Institute shall give pref- erence to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the National Institutes of Health, but only if the research to be conducted or managed under such contract is authorized by the governing statutes of such Agency or Institutes.