Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/818

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124 STAT. 792 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall make grants to eligible entities to enable the entities to provide training and technical assistance. ‘‘(B) AUTHORIZED ACTIVITIES.—An eligible entity that receives a grant under subparagraph (A) shall use funds made available through the grant to provide training and technical assistance regarding management practices using methods that are demonstrated to promote retention of individuals who provide direct care, such as— ‘‘(i) the establishment of standard human resource policies that reward high performance, including poli- cies that provide for improved wages and benefits on the basis of job reviews; ‘‘(ii) the establishment of motivational and thoughtful work organization practices; ‘‘(iii) the creation of a workplace culture that respects and values caregivers and their needs; ‘‘(iv) the promotion of a workplace culture that respects the rights of residents of an eligible entity or individuals receiving community-based long-term care from an eligible entity and results in improved care for the residents or the individuals; and ‘‘(v) the establishment of other programs that pro- mote the provision of high quality care, such as a continuing education program that provides additional hours of training, including on-the-job training, for employees who are certified nurse aides. ‘‘(C) APPLICATION.—To be eligible to receive a grant under this paragraph, an eligible entity shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require (which may include evidence of consultation with the State in which the eligible entity is located with respect to carrying out activities funded under the grant). ‘‘(D) AUTHORITY TO LIMIT NUMBER OF APPLICANTS.— Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as prohibiting the Secretary from limiting the number of applicants for a grant under this paragraph. ‘‘(4) ACCOUNTABILITY MEASURES.—The Secretary shall develop accountability measures to ensure that the activities conducted using funds made available under this subsection benefit individuals who provide direct care and increase the stability of the long-term care workforce. ‘‘(5) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection: ‘‘(A) COMMUNITY-BASED LONG-TERM CARE.—The term ‘community-based long-term care’ has the meaning given such term by the Secretary. ‘‘(B) ELIGIBLE ENTITY.—The term ‘eligible entity’ means the following: ‘‘(i) A long-term care facility. ‘‘(ii) A community-based long-term care entity (as defined by the Secretary). ‘‘(b) CERTIFIED EHR TECHNOLOGY GRANT PROGRAM.— ‘‘(1) GRANTS AUTHORIZED.—The Secretary is authorized to make grants to long-term care facilities for the purpose of assisting such entities in offsetting the costs related to pur- chasing, leasing, developing, and implementing certified EHR