Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/960

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124 STAT. 934 PUBLIC LAW 111–148—MAR. 23, 2010 (I) itemizes the pregnant and parenting stu- dent services office’s expenditures for the fiscal year; (II) contains a review and evaluation of the performance of the office in fulfilling the require- ments of this section, using the specific perform- ance criteria or standards established under subparagraph (B)(i); and (III) describes the achievement of the office in meeting the needs listed in paragraph (4)(B) of the students served by the eligible institution, and the frequency of use of the office by such students. (ii) PERFORMANCE CRITERIA.—Not later than 180 days before the date the annual report described in clause (i) is submitted, the State— (I) shall identify the specific performance cri- teria or standards that shall be used to prepare the report; and (II) may establish the form or format of the report. (B) REPORT BY STATE.—The State shall annually pre- pare and submit a report on the findings under this sub- section, including the number of eligible institutions of higher education that were awarded funds and the number of students served by each pregnant and parenting student services office receiving funds under this section, to the Secretary. (c) SUPPORT FOR PREGNANT AND PARENTING TEENS.—A State may use amounts received under a grant under section 10212 to make funding available to eligible high schools and community service centers to establish, maintain or operate pregnant and par- enting services in the same general manner and in accordance with all conditions and requirements described in subsection (b), except that paragraph (3) of such subsection shall not apply for purposes of this subsection. (d) IMPROVING SERVICES FOR PREGNANT WOMEN WHO ARE VIC- TIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, SEXUAL VIOLENCE, SEXUAL ASSAULT, AND STALKING.— (1) IN GENERAL.—A State may use amounts received under a grant under section 10212 to make funding available tp its State Attorney General to assist Statewide offices in pro- viding— (A) intervention services, accompaniment, and sup- portive social services for eligible pregnant women who are victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, sexual assault, or stalking. (B) technical assistance and training (as described in subsection (c)) relating to violence against eligible pregnant women to be made available to the following: (i) Federal, State, tribal, territorial, and local governments, law enforcement agencies, and courts. (ii) Professionals working in legal, social service, and health care settings. (iii) Nonprofit organizations. (iv) Faith-based organizations. Deadline.