Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/113

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THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 93, 94, 95. 1864. 85 NAVAL ASYLUM, PHILADELPHIA. Naval asylum. For furniture and repairs of same; housewleaning and whitewasbing; repairs to furnaces, grates, and ranges; gas and water rent; for hospital, and repairs of all kinds, five thousand two hundred dollars. For the purchase and preparation of a site for a cemetery for the navy Cemetery. and marine corps, near Philadelphia, fifteen thousand dollars. _ _ For support of beneficiaries, tl1lrty-two thousand dollars. g°"°€°}""’°"d For gratuities and medals of honor, five thousand dollars. medfjgnms ml For bounties for destruction of euemies’ vessels, as per "act of July Destruction ofseventeen, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, for the better government of vesselsthe navy," two hundred and Efty thousand dollars. § F6; °h' 20* For pay of photographer, for ordnance bureau, three hundred dollars. VoLxii. p. 606. For compensation of petty officers, seamen, and others of the crew of Pay of officers, the United States steamer Monitor, lost at sea December thirty, eighteen gl‘f·_· °f 'h° M""` hundred and sixty-two, three thousand dollars. ’ For compensation of petty officers, seamen, and others of the crew of the Gmc_ the United States steamer Cairo, lost in Yazoo river December twelve, eighteen hundred and sixty-two,' eight thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That, out of the appropriati0u of TL"? dg d°°kS seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars for a floating dry dock at navy am lm? l yard, New York, provided for by the act making appropriations for the fo\_¢nl;¥;l':;;;';);{ naval service of the United States, approved third March, eighteen hun- mon, dred and sixty-three, the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby, 1863,QP- H8. authorized to construct one or two dry docks, as he may deem expedient, V°1`u'P' 8u‘ at New York and Philadelphia, at two hundred and sixty thousand dollars each, and to expend the balance of said appropriation, if it shall be necessary, to enlarge the sectional docks to a capacity to receive the large vessels now building. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That there shall be added three Additionalpm. professors to the number of professors of mathematics now authorized by fggsuzsgg law, who shall be appointed and commi sioned as now provided by law, y` and who shall be a professor of ethics and English studies, a professor of Spanish, and a professor of drawing, at the naval academy. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the United States naval Naval ¤<>¤d¤- academy shall be returned to and established at the naval academy :‘Qfn;‘:,1b:)i;_ grounds in Annapolis, in the state of Maryland, before the commencement pgpolig. of the academic year eighteen hundred and sixty-flve. Approved, May 21, 1864. . CHAP. XCIV.—An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to enable the People of Nevada May 21, 1864. oo form a Cmmtitutrbn and {State Govermnent, and for the zldnzzlesafan of sud; Stax {nm ’j86Z;K]6‘“ the Union on an equal Footing wah the ortgznat States. § 5 ’ Am .81. Be it enacted Q1; the Senate and House of Representatives of the United 6, P States of America in Congress assembled, That so much of the fifth NC°¤5Sm¤*i¤¤ of section of the act to which this act is an amendment as provides by ord- suigitieg lf nance for submitting the Constitution to the people of said state, for their popular vote on ratiication or rejection, at an election to be held on the second Tuesday d*;”"5V§d' of October, be so amended as to read " on the first Wednesday of Sep- umbci °P` tember," and that the election for the purposes aforesaid be.held on that day instead of the second Tuesday of October. A1>r1a0vm>, May 21, 1864. Cnr. XCV.—An Act to provide a temporary Government for the Territory of Mon- M3? 26, lS64· tuna. ’ Be €t enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress as·sembIe¢L That all that part of v01.. xm. Pun.-8