Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/173

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THIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 146, 147. 1864. 145 of engineers one sergeant-major, who shall be paid thirty-six dollars per Sm-geannmajor month, and one quartcrnmastcr-sergeant, who shall also be commissary- :;;gf;3:'S:" sergeant, who shall be paid twenty-two dollars pen month. bmangon of en- S1·:c. 5. And be it further enactei That there shall be attached t0,§l¤<¢¤fSiP¤.Y· and made a part of; the War Department, during the continuance of the present rebellion, a bureau, to be known as the Bureau of Military Jus- Bqreap ofmiliticc, to which shall be returned for revision the records and proceedings {;‘Rgl““’°"°·“*‘l" of all the courts-martial, courts of inquiry, and military commissions of ` the armies of the United States, and in which a record shall be kept of all proceedings had thereupon. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the President shall appoint, Judge advoby and with the advice and consent of the Senate, as the head of said §:“;g°Q°i;?lw bureau, a judge advocate-general, with the rank, pay, and allowances burcap. of a brigadicr-general, and an assistant judge advocate-general, with the é‘E”*$;;¤*J“*l¤F rank, pay, and allowances of a colonel of cavalry. And the said judge aff;;?, d€i£§ °' advocate-general and his assistant shall receive, revise, and have recorded the proceedings of the courts-martial, courts of inquiry, and military commissions of the armies of the United States, and perform such other duties as have heretofore been performed by the judge advocate-general of the armies of the United States. Sec. 7. And be it further emccled, That the Secretary of War shall Clgrkgiu said have power to appoint for said bureau one fourth-class, one third-class, l>¤*‘€¤¤· one second-class, and two first-class clerks. Sec. 8. And be it furllwr enacted, That in all cases where the govern- When government shall furnish transportation and subsistence to discharged officcrs and soldiers from the place of their discharge to the place of their enrol- &c_,mdi;•,;hm-ged ment or original muster into the service, they shall not be entitled to S°l<}*i‘='g· *****7 $3* travel, pay, or commutation of subsistence. §°;'t° t° m`°’ Sm. 9. And be it further enacted, That so much of the fifth section Repeal oflaw of the act entitled "An act to authorize the employment of volunteers to Sgitflsgnlgy aid in enforcing the laws and protecting the public pr0pcrty," approved vm, Ofcamllry July twenty-secoud, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-cme, as pro- f¤¤‘¤lShi¤}g h¤*¤<=¤ vides that each company officer, non-commissioned officcr, private, mu- ”{'él;fq;’l;l’Q’;°f"g? sician, and artiiicer of cavalry, shall furnish his own horse and horse V¤1.`x1i.p.269. equipments, and shall receive forty cents per day for their use and risk, is hereby repealed, except onlyso fm- as the same may hereafter be made to apply and relate to mounted troops called into tha service of the United States for a term not exceeding six months. SEc. 10. And be ii further enacted, That from and after the passage pay ,,;,,],,.;,8 of this act the pay of clerks of paymastcrs in the army of the United of army pay— States shall be twelve hundred dollars per annum, without rations. '“““°“‘ Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the thirty-first section of an Pay. &c.,m¤y act entitled “An acl: for enrolling and calling out the national forces, and girgggtlgggg of for other purp0ses," approved March third, one thousand eight hundred absgnchundoland sixtyahrec, ba, and the same is hereby, so amended as that an officer °€*‘**l“ ¤ir¤¤m— may have, when allowed by order of his proper commander, leave of St“;lQ%;'ch -,5 § absence for other cause than sickness or wounds, without deduction from 31. his pay or allowances: Provided, That the aggregate of such absence V°k,;;‘;}£· 736- shall nct exceed thirty days in any one year. }>ub_geS_N},_67 S20. 12. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws PMR- 416- - _· · · · - Repcahu 1nc0n¤1stent with the prcvrsmns of thxs act are hereby repealed. dum g A1>1>1>.0vm>, June 20, 1864. CHAP. CXLVII. - An Act making A htions jbr the Lqqzklative, Executive, and June 25, 1864. Judicial Expenses of the Government for the Year ending June thirtieth, Qqhteen hundred " " "' and sixlyjive, cmdfur other Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and 1%usa of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Thatjhc following sums bc, and vox.. xm. PUB. -13