Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/188

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160 THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS- Sess. I. Ch. 147. 1864. Cliietordivis. One chief of the division of national banks with a salary of twenty. §}‘:.':|;·”**l°“*l two hundred dollars. ' B00k_k“pm_ d {Two principal book-keepers, each with a salary of twenty-two hundred 0 ars. 'Iellois. Two tellers, each with a salary of twenty-two hundred dollars. Assistant tel- Two assistant tellers, each with a salary of two thousand dollars. l“'°;h. F I k One chief clerk, with ‘a salary of two thousand dollars. ((ju:;,.°:,g,kQ_ Fifteen clerks of class four, fifteen of class three, eleven of class two, nine of class one, one messenger in charge of mails, with a salary of one thousand dollars; nine messengers, with a salary of nine hundred dollars each; five messengers, with a salary of seven hundred dollars each; sixty female clerks, with a salary of six hundred dollars each ; five laborers, with a salary of six hundred dollars each, and seven female laborers at a salary of two hundred and forty dollars each. And the officers, clerks, and employees hereby authorized shall be in lieu of all the force now employed in the said office. And the amount necessary to pay the salaries of said officers, clerks, and employees, in addition to the amount Appropriation. heretofore provided for the present fiscal year, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Twenty per Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That twenty per centum be ¤¢¤*· *0 his edqcd added to the compensation of the females and of the messengers, watch-

Qel;:gu;;5:?°f,;s’ men, and laborers employed in the several departments and under the

commissioner of public buildings, and the commissioner of agriculture, and at the capitol, to commence on the first daY of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and to terminate at the close of the tiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, but to be calculated only upon the amount of compensation accruing after the lirst day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-four: Provided, however, No increased That no salary be increased hereby so as to exceed the sum of ten hun- $3%*5; *°°X°°°d dred dollars. And the sums necessary to pay the additional compensa- ' tion herein specidcd for the present and the next fiscal years are hereby appropriated. Late reporter Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the accounting officers of °f““l"'°‘“° °°“"· the treasury are hereby authorized and directed to allow to the late reporter of the supreme court the amount of his annual salary for the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, on the production of satisfactory evidence that he has delivered to the Secretary of the Interior the number of copies of the decisions of said court prescribed by law, and that said books have been received and accepted by said Secretary. Additional Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That, in addition to the clerical

i;‘ig;:;°°?f force now authorized by law, the following clerks are hereby authorized

2u8mm_ in the office of the commissioner of customs, to be employed and continue only during the rebellion and for one year after its close, viz: two clerks of class four, two of class three, and two of tclass two, and the sum of eleven thousand two hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay their salaries from the date of their appointment to the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, is hereby appropriated therefor. bTysLim¢>¤£· may 'SEC· 6. And be it further enacted, That in executing the of the hfmttggung “‘ third of March, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, and the act amendatory claims under not thereof, providing for payment for steamboats and other vessels, and Hill- Qiigpilr 12; road engines or cars lost or destroyed while in the military service.0f the 18,,g,cj,PS,8 {2, United States, the third auditor of the treasury be, and he is hereby, Vol. xii. p. '743. authorized in person, or in such manner as he may deem most compatible with the public interests, to take testimoney and make such investigations as he may deem necessary in adjudicating claims filed under said act, and for such necessary expenses incurred therein payment may be made out of the appropriation contained in said act, upon proper vouchers certified and approved by the third auditor.