Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/234

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206 THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 171. 1864. shall be a component part, not otherwise provided for, shall pay the same rate of dnt as if wholl manufactured. Bituminous On bituthinous coal, gud shale, one dollar and twenty-tive cents for a °°“l· ton of twenty-eight bushels, eighty pounds to the bushel; on all other coal, forty cents per ton of twenty-eight bushels, eighty pounds to the bushel. Coke. &<=- On coke and culm of coal, twenty-five per centum ad valorem. Lead- On lead, in pigs and bars, two cents per pound. On old scrap-lead, fit only to be remanufactured, one cent and one half er ound. P og lead in sheets, pipes, or shot, two and three quarter cents per pound. Pewter. On pewter, when old and fit only to be remanufactured, two cents per ound. Lead ore- P On lead ore, one and a half cents per pound. Copper-. On copper in pigs, bars, or ingots, two and a half cents per pound. On sheathing-copper, in sheets forty-eight inches long and fourteen inches wide, weighing from fourteen to thirty-four ounces per square foot, three and a half cents er ound. On copper rods, boltg nalils, spikes, copper bottoms, copper in sheets or plates, called braziers’ copper, and other sheets of copper not otherwise rovided for, thirt -five er centum ad valorem. Zinc, Sto. P On zinc, spelteg or teiitenegue, manufactured in blocks or pigs, one and a half cent er ound. On zinc, gpeltgr, or teutenegue in sheets, two and one quarter cents per ound. Diamonds, &c. P On diamonds, cameos, mosaics, gems, pearls, rubies, and other precious stones, when not set, a duty of ten per centum ad valorem. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That on and after the day and year aforesaid, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on the importation of the articles hereinafter mentioned, the following duties, that is to say: On W°°l» &°· all wool, unmanutactured, and all hair of the alpaca, goat, and other like animals, unmanufactured, the value whereof at the last port or place from whence exported to the United States, exclusive of charges in such ports, shall be twelve cents or less per pound, three cents per pound; exceeding twelve cents and not exceeding twenty-four cents per pound, six cents per pound; exceeding twenty-four cents per pound, and not exceeding thirty- two cents, ten cents per pound, and in addition thereto ten per centum ad _ valorem; exceeding thirty-two cents per pound, twelve cents per pound, P¤‘°“S°· and in addition thereto ten per centum ad valorem: Provided, _That any wool of the sheep, or hair of the alpaca, the goat, and other like animals which shall be imported in any other than the ordinary condition, as now and heretofore practised, or which shall be changed in its character or condition for the purpose of evading the duty, or which shall be reduced in value by the admixture of dirt or any foreign substance, shall be subject to pay a duty of twelve cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem, P¤'¤Vi$°· anything in this act to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided, further, That when wool of different qualities is imported in the same bale, bag, or package, and the aggregate value of the contents of the bale, bag, or package shall be appraised by the appraisers at a rate exceeding twenty- four cents per pound, it shall be charged with aduty of ten cents per pound and ten per centum ad valorem ; and when bales of different qualities are embraced in the same invoice at the same price, whereby the average price shall be lessened more than ten per centum, the value of the whole shall be appraised according to the value of the bale of the best quality; and ' no bale, bag, or package shall be liable to a less rate of duty in conse- Proviso. quenee of being invoiced with wool of lower value: And provided, furt/1er,_ That wool which shall be imported scoured, shall pay, in lieu of the duties herein provided, three times the amount of such duties. Sheepskin:. Second. On sheepskins, raw or unmannfactured, imported with the wool on, washed or unwashed, shall be subject to a duty of twenty per centum ad valorem; and on flocks, waste, or shoddy, three cents per pound.