Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/237

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THIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 171. 1864. 209 hundred threads and not exceeding two hundred threads to the square Jeans,drillings, inch, counting the warp and filling, if unbleached, six cents per square &°· yard ; if bleached, six and a half cents per square yard ; if colored, stained, painted, or printed, six and a half cents per square yard, and in addition thereto fifteen per centum ad valorem. On goods of like description exceeding two hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, if unbleached, seven cents per square yard ; if bleached, seven and a half cents per square yard; if colored, stained, painted, or printed, seven and a half cents per square yard, and in addition thereto fifteen per centum Proviso. ad valorem: Provided, That upon all plain woven cotton goods not included in the foregoing schedules, unbleached valued at over sixteen cents per square yard, bleached valued at over twenty cents per square yard, colored valued at over twenty-five cents per square yard, and cotton jeans, denims, and drillings unbleached valued at over twenty cents per square yard, and all other cotton goods of every description, the the value of which shall exceed twenty-tive cents per square yard, there shall be levied, collected and paid a duty of thirty-five per centum ad valorem: Andprv- Pr¤vi¤0· vided, further, That no cotton goods having more than two hundred threads to the square inch, counting the warp and filling, shall be admitted to a. less rate of duty than is provided for goods which are of that number of threads. Fourth. On spool-thread of cotton, six cents per dozen spools, contain- SP,,,,I_th,.,,d_ ing on each spool not exceeding one hundred yards of thread, and in addition thereto thirty per centum ad valorem ; exceeding one hundred P<>S!,I>·49?· yards, for every additional hundred yards of thread on each spool, or fractional part thereof in excess of one hundred yards, six cents per dozen, and thirty per centum ad valorem. On cotton shirts and drawers, woven or made on frames, and on all Shirts ¤¤d cotton hosiery, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. d"w°"' On cotton velvet, thirty-five per centum. ad valorem. Cotton velvet. On cotton braids, insertings, lace, trimming, or bobbinet, and all other Braids, Ste. manufactures of cotton, not otherwise provided for, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. Sec. 7. And be it fur:/ter enacted, That on and alter the day and year aforesaid, in lieu of the duties heretofore imposed by law on the articles hereinafter mentioned, there shall be levied, collected, and paid, on the goods, wares, and merchandise enumerated and provided for in this section, imported from foreign countries, the following duties and rates of duty, that is to say: — First. On brown and bleached linens, ducks, canvas, paddings, cotton Linens, duck, bottoms, burlaps, diapers, crash, huckabacks, handkerchiefs, lawns, or other gza md ';*3¤“· manufactures of flax, jute, or hemp, or of which liax, jute, or hemp shall &cfm°s ° aX’ be the component material of chief value, not otherwise provided for, valued at thirty cents or less per square yard, thirty-tive per centum ad valorem; valued at above thirty cents per" square yard, forty per centum ad valorem. On flax or linen yarns for carpets, not exceeding number eight Lea, and valued at twenty-four cents or less per pound, thirty per centum ad valorem. On flax or linen yams valued at above twenty- four cents per pound, thirty-ti ve per centum ad valorem. On flax or linen thread, twine and pack-thread, and all other manufactures of flax, or of which liax shall be the component material of chief value, not otherwise provided for, forty per centum ad valorem. Second. On tarred cables or cordage, three cents per pound. On un- Tmed cables tarred Manilla cordage, two and a half cents per pound. On all other °" °°'d”g°· untarred cordage, three and a half cents per pound. On hemp yarns, tive cents per pound. On coir yarn, one and a half cent per pound. On seines, six and a half cents per pound. Third. On gunny cloth, gunny bags, and cotton bagging, or other man- Gunuy cloth, ufacture not otherwise provided for, suitable for the uses to which cotton &°' bagging is applied, composed in whole or in part of hemp, jute, ilax, or 18 *