Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/248

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220 THIRTYJEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 17:2. 1864. Fractional cur- Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury

’;§52;“;g' be ls* may issue notes of the fractions of a dollar as now used for currency, in

ammmt not ove,. such form, with such inscriptions, and with such safeguards against coun- $50,000,000 terfeiting, as he may judge best, and provide for the engraving and preparation, and for the issue of the same, as well as of all other notes and bonds, and other obligations, and shall make such regulations for the redemption of said fractional notes and other notes when mutilated or defaced, and for the receipt of said fractional notes in payment of debts to the United States, except for customs, in such sums, not over five dollars, as may appear to him expedient; and it is hereby declared that all laws and parts of laws applicable to the fractional notes engraved and issued as herein authorized, apply equally and with like force to all the fractional notes heretofore authorized, whether known as postage currency, or otherwise, and to postagestamps issued as currency; but the whole amount of all descriptions of notes or stamps less than one dollar issued as currency, shall not exceed fifty millions of dollars. Q<>¤i><>¤ aud Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the coupon and registered

€;;tg;i€hg(;Hds* bonds shall be in such form and bear such inscriptioris as the Secretary

mm and new of the Treasury may direct, and shall be signed by the register of the

  • lS¤<’=d· treasury, or for the register, by such person or persons as may be specially designated for that purpose by the Secretary of the Treasury, and

S93]- shall bear, as evidence of lawful issue, the imprint of the seal of the Treasury Department, to be made under the direction of the Secretary of the Where to be Treasury, in a room set apart especially and exclusively for that purpose, made- under the care of some person appointed directly by him. And the cou- C°“P°“S· pons -attached to such bonds shall bear the engraved signature of the register of the treasury, and such other device or safeguard against counterfeiting as the secretary may approve; and it is hereby declared Formerbonds that all bonds hcreto[fo]re issued, bearing the signature of the register, ““"d° "hd shall have the same force, effect, and validity as if signed also by the treasurer, and all bonds bearing the signature of the register, erroneously described as treasurer of the United States, shall have the same force, effect, and validity, as if his official designation had been correctly stated; and all coupons bearing the engraved signature of the register of the treasury in office at the time when such signatures were authorized and engraved, shall have full force, validity, and effect, notwithstanding such register may have subsequently ceased to hold office as such, when issued in connection with bonds duly authorized and signed by or for the successor or successors of said register. And the treasury notes and United States notes authorized by this act shall be in such form as the Secretary Form, &c., of of the Treasury shall direct, and shall bear the written or engraved signa- “°”“‘”Y “°l“s· tures of the treasurer of the United States and the register of the treasury, and shall have printed upon them such statements, showing the amount of accrued or accruing interest and the character of the notes, as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe; and shall bear, as a further evidence of lawful issue, the imprint of the seal of the Treasury Department, to be made under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, as before directed. Registered Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury P°“dS m?}' be is hereby authorized to issue, upon such terms and under such regulations ISSUES for coupon. . . . . . as he may from time to time prescribe, registered bonds in exchange for, and in lieu of, any coupon bonds which have been or may hereafter he lawfully issued ; such registered bonds to be similar in all respects to_the registered bonds issued under the acts authorizing the issue of the coupon Mutilmd, de- bonds offered for exchange. And for all mutilated, defaced, or indorsed f“°°d*&°‘*b°“ds‘ coupon or other bonds presented to the department, the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to issue, upon terms and under regulations as aforesaid, and in substitution therefor, other bonds of like or equivalent ISSUES.