Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/355

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THIRTY·-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 190. 1864. 327 Ninth street west to M street north, along M street north to Twelfth street west, and along Twelfth street west to the Washington canal and Maryland avenue to the Potomac River, with the right to run public carriages thereon drawn by horse power, receiving therefor a rate of fare Motive powernot exceeding live cents a passenger, for any distance between the termini of either of the said main railway, or between the termini of either of said branch railways, or between either terminus of said main railway _ and the terminus of either of said branch railways: Provided, That the P'°“s°· use and maintenance of the said road shall be subject to the municipal regulations of the city of Washington within its corporate limits. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That said road[s] shall be deemed Roads tobc mal estate, and they, together with other real property and personal prop- @l;s:;‘Q:;:;‘:{})n_ erty of said body corporate, shall be liable to taxation, as other real estate and personal property, and to license for their vehicles or cars in the cities aforesaid, except as hereinafter provided; and that all other corporations in the District of• Columbia, heretofore organized for like purposes. shall be subject to pay license as provided in this section. Sec. 3. And be ii further enacted, That the said railway shall be laid Track *° W **1 , . - centre of stneete m the centre of the avenues and streets (excepting 1New Jersey avenue, and there it shall be laid as hereinbefore provided for,) as near as may be, without interfering with or passing over the water or gas pipes, in the most approved manner adapted for street railways, with rails of the most approved patterns, to be determined by the Secretary of the Interior. laid upon an even surface with the pavement of the streets-; and the space between the two tracks shall not be less than four feet, nor more than six feet ; and the carriages shall not be less than six feet in width, the gauge to correspond with that of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the said corporation hereby corporation to created shall be bound to keep said tracks, and for the space of two feet kB6R tracks Md beyond the outer rail thereof, and also the space between the tracks, at { smm all times well paved and in good order, without expense to the United States or- to the city of Washington. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this act shall prevent the government at any time, at their option, from altering the grade Gmde ofstreeta or otherwise improving all avenues and streets occupied by said roads, or “‘”Y °° "'“““d' the city of Washington from so altering or improving such streets and avenues, and the sewerage thereof; as may be under their respective authority and control; and in such event it shall be the duty of said company to change their said railroad so as to conform to such grade and pavement. Seo. 6. And be it further enacted, That this act may at any time be Actmaybé altered, amended, or repealed by the congress of the United States. m°r°d’ &°‘ Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this act shall be C¤TP§>F¤*i¤¤ so construed as to authorize said body corporate to issue any note, token, 2§;;(;.,.;i;i;_n°t° device, scrip, or other evidence of debt to be used as a currency. Sec. 8. Ami be it further enacted, That the capital stock of said com- Capital stock. pany shall be not less than two, nor more than Eve, hundred thousand dollars, and that the stock shall be divided into shares of fifty dollars each, Shares. and shall be deemed personal property transferable in such manner as the by-laws of mid company may direct. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the said company shall place iirst-class cars ou said railways, with all the modern improvements for Cam the convenience and comfort of passengers, and shall run cars thereon during the day as often as every four minutes on the route from the capitol, via the Baltimore and Ohio railroad depot and departments, to the Circle; and on the other routes once in fifteen minutes ench way, and until twelve o’clock at night as often as every half hour; and throughout day and night as much oftener as public convenience may reqmre. Sm. 10. And be it further enacted, That said company shall procure