Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/369

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THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 199, 200. 1864. 841 Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That in order to encourage and aid S°¤’¤*¤*'>’ °f _ the construction of said line of telegraph beyond the limits of the United `l:,°f,';g°;,§"l States, the Secretary of the Navy is authorized to detail for the use of laying telegraph. the surveys and soundings along that portion of the Pacino coast both of America and Asia, where it is proposed to establish said telegraph, one steam or sailing vessel, in his discretion, to assist in surveys and soundings, laying down submerged cable, and in transporting materials connected therewith, and generally afford such assistance as may be deemed best calculated to secure a successful promotion of the enterprise. Sec. 3. And be ifafttrther enacted, That the government of the United Govermnsn to States shall, at all times, have priority in the use of the line or lines, so l’*“’“g’£‘°"”Y “’ far as the same are within its territory, and shall have the right, when m O u"` authorized by law, to connect said line or lines by telegraph with any military posts of the United States, and to use the same for government pur- Secumy from poses. And in order to secure the same from injury by savages or other injury by evil-disposed persons, to the interruption of the public business, the Sec- °"“g“‘ retary of War is authorized to direct the commanders of the military districts or stations, and other officers, acting under authority of the United States in the territories traversed by said telegraph, to use any available force at their command to protect the same. Subject to the right of prior use by the government, as aforesaid, said line or lines shall be at all times open to the public and to any other telegraph company upon the payment Lines to be of the regular charges for transmission of despatches, and all despatches °P**° *° Pubmreceived shall be transmitted over said line and lines in the order of their reception at the telegraphic office ; and the answers to said despatches shall be delivered to such parties as may be directed by the sender. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the better to accomplish the Act may be object of this act, namely, to promote the public interest and welfare, by “l*°’“d· &°‘ facilitating intemational and commercial intercourse between the eastern and western' continents in the construction of said telegraph, and keeping the same in working order, and to secure to the government at all times, but particularly in time of war, the use and benefits of the same for diplomatic, naval, military, postal, commercial, and other purposes, congress may, at any time, add to, alter, amend, or repeal this act. Sec. 5. And be itfuriher enacted, That the rate of charges for public ,.m_R’t;;f °;“"€°’ or private messages shall not exceed on said line the average usual rates m g ` in Europe and America for the same service, or such rates as shall be ascertained and fixed by a convention between the United States, Russia, and Great Britain: Provideen That it shall not be lawful for the owners Despatches for or omcers of said telegraph line to make any contract, either directly or €:‘g:Ps:l;;S}£”°·• through any intervening party or parties, for the transmission of de- an spatches for any newspaper or newspaper association, upon terms different from those open to the enjoyment of all other newspapers or newspaper associations. Approved, July 1, 1864. CHAP. CC.—An Act r i so much o "An Act to snpply De encies in the A J¤lY 1, 1864- priuttbnsfor the Sewigfgldng Fiscal 1%-hr ending the tlurtieth eg/'jlifcdne, eighteen huridvidl and sizdyfour, and for other PU1]l0S88,,’ approved March fmr¢een,_ eighteen hundred Am; p_ 2S_ and saxtyfour, as appropriate: twentyjlve thousand Dolkzrs for ereottng a Naval Has- ’ pntal at Kittery, Manne. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative.; ty the United States of America in Uongress assembled, That so much of “An act to Repeal of supply denciencies in the appropriations for the service of the fiscal year :“rf:$;H;§ *;:3** ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and for at Kim,ry,li;s, other purposes," approved, March fourteen, eighteen hundred and sixty- four, as appropriates " for erecting naval hospital at Kittery, Maine, twenty-tive thousand dollars," be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Approved, July 1, 1864. 29*