Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/371

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THIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 204, 205. 1864. 343 by the fourth section of the act entitled "An act for the better govern- 1862, ch,204,§4. ment of the navy of the United States,” approved July seventeen, eigh- V°l‘x“‘P‘6°6‘ teen hundred and sixty-two. Approved, July 1, 1864. CHA?. CCIV.—An Act prescribing the Punishmeng/`or enticing or aiding Seanwn to July 1, 1864. desert the Naval Service of the nited States. U Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any person who shall E°P*l*Y&:;>’ entice or procure, or attempt or endeavor to entice or procure any seaman g;,;?;?;, dig or other person in the naval service of the United States, or who has naval service to been recruited for such service, to desert therefrom, or who shall in any d”°’°‘ wise aid or assist any such seaman or other person in deserting, or in attempting to desert from said naval service, or who shall harbor, conceal, protect, or in any wise assist any such seaman or other person who may have deserted from said naval service, knowing him to have deserted therefrom, or who shall refuse to give up and deliver such person on the demand of any officer authorized to receive him, shall be punished by imprisonment not less than six months nor more than three years, and by fine of not more than two thousand dollars, to be enforced in any court of the United States having jurisdiction. Approved, July 1, 1864. CHAP. CCV. -An Act for the of Coal Lands and of Town Property in the July 1, 1864. “bll° D"""""' · 1865, cn. 107. Be it enacted by the Senate and Epme of Representatives of the United Post, p. 529- States of America in Congress assembled, That where any tracts embrac- Disposal ofwal ing coal-beds or coal·Helds, constituting portions of the public domain, and lzlgdiraufl mlm which, as “mines," are excluded from the preemption act of eighteen P 1g41`?i:h.16. hundred and forty-one, and which under past legislation are not liable to VOL V- P- 453- ordinary private entry, it shall and may be lawful for the President to cause such tracts, in suitable legal subdivisions, to be offered at public sale to the highest bidder, after public notice of not less than three months, at a minimum price of twenty dollars per acre ; and any lands not thus disposed of shall thereafter be liable to private entry at said minimum. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That in any casein which parties _T°Y'¤ °u’l*Y have already founded, or may hereafter desire to found, a city or town on Etfssfu pu lc the public lands, it shall and may be lawful for them to cause to be tiled with the recorder for the county in which the same is situated, a plat thereof, for not exceeding six hundred and forty acres, describing its exterior boundaries according to the lines of the public surveys, where such surveys have been executed; also giving the name of such city or town, and exhibiting the streets, squares, blocks, lots, and alleys, the size of the same, with measurements and area of each municipal sub-division, the lots in which shall each not exceed four thousand two hundred square feet, with a statement of the extent and general character of the improvements; the said map and statement to be verified under oath by the party acting for, and in behalf; of the persons proposing to establish such city or town ; and within one month after such filing there shall be transmitted to the general land-office a verified transcript of such map and statement, accompanied by the testimony of two witnesses that such city or town has been established in good faith, and when the premises are within the limits of an organized land district, a similar map and statement shall be tiled with the register and receiver, and at any time after the tiling of such map, statement, and testimony in the general land-office, it shall and may be lawful for the President to cause the lots embraced within the limits of such city or town to be offered at public sale to the