Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/38

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10 THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Simss. I. Ch. 13. 1864. party filed in support of a. claim to exemption shall also be made upon h or aihrmation. Exemptions 0agEC. 20. And be it further enacted, That if anx Person drafted and obtained byfmud liable to rendeb military scrvice shall procure a'_dec1sion of the board of

‘;§° £°°* enrolment in his favor upon a claim to cxqmpuou by any fraud or false

empegd to be representation practised by himself or by h1S procurement, such·dec181011 deemcd 2 d°· or exemption shall be of no effect, and the person exempted, or m whose Sm°r’ &°' favor the decision may be made, shall be deemed a dcserter, and may be arrested, tried by court-martial, and punished as such, a11d_ shall be hcltd to service for the full term for which he was drafted, reckoning from the Pm0,,,_ in mi], time of his arrest: Provided, That the Secretary of War may order the imry_scrvi<=¤ rm- discharge of all persons in the military service who gre under the age of d" °'§hff:° eighteen years at the time of the application for the1r discharge, when it gzlggeg, shall appear upon duc proof that such persons are in the service without 18G4,¢h.287,§5, the consent, either expressed or implied, of thcir parents or guardians. POM, p- 380· And provided further, That such persons, thexr parents or guardians, shall Bount , gm, first repay to the government and to the state and local authorities all to be r¤f¥1¤d¤d· bounties and adva.ncc—pa.y which may have been paid to them, anything in the act; to which this is an amendment to the contrary notwithstanding. Penalty for Sec. 21. And be it further enacted, That any person who shall procure, P“’°'“'i”€ “ mm or attempt to procure, a false report from the surgeon of the board of engigzdogrgzuasggg rolment concerning the physical condition of any drafted person, or s, enrolment. decision in favor of such person by the board of enrolment upon a claim to exemption, knowing the same to be false; shall, upon conviction in any district or circuit court of the United States, be punished by imprisonment for the period for which the party was drafted. Fees ofattor- SEO. 22. And be itfurtber enactecL That the fees of agents and attor- 1*;% &°·¢ msnin nays for making out and causing to be executed any papers in support of 0Mmn§,P:§emp_ a claim for exemption from draft, or for any services that may be rcution. dercd to the claimant, shall not, in any case, exceed Eve dollars; and physicians or surgeons furnishing certiicates of disability to any claimant Physicians not thr exemption from draft shall not bcwmtitlcd to any fees or compensa-

  • °}”"° f°""°‘ tion therefor. And any agent or attorney who shall, directly or indi-

Penalties on rectly, demand or receive any greater compensation for his services under

fc°f:::Y:}H¥::l;Q'; this act, and any physician or surgeon who shall, directly or indirectly,

clqykg,’&c,,m.’ demand or receive any compensation for furnishing said certificates of g¤1‘di¤S *`¢¤S»&¢· disability, and any ofHccr, clerk, or deputy connected with the board of enrolment who shall receive compensation from any drafted man for any services, or obtaining the performance of such service required Hom any member of said board by the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor, aud,up0u conviction, shall, for every such offence, bc fined not exceeding? five hundred dollars, to be recovered upon information or indictment b orc any court of competent jurisdiction, one half for the use of any informer who may prosecute for the same in the name of the United States, and the other half for the usc of the United States, and shall also be subject to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, at the discretion of the court. who mw, be Sec. 23. And be itji4rtlm· enacted, That no member of the board of employed iq pro- enrolment, and no surgeon detailed or employed to assist the board of fsggg ““b‘°" enrolment, and no clerk, assistant, or employee of any provost-marshal or board of enrolment, shall, directly or indirectly, be engaged in procuring or attempting to procure substitutes for persons drafted, or liable to bc drafted, into the military service of the United States. And if any mem- Paualty. bcr of a board of enrolment, or any such surgeon, clerk, assistant, or cmployee, shall procure, 01- attempt to procure, a substitute for any person drafted, or liable to be drafied, as aforesaid, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment not less than thirty days, nor more than six months, and pay a finc