Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/383

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THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 213, 214. 1864. 355 be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered to negotiate with the city Lands in Walof Brooklyn, in the State of New York, and to effect an exchange of lands 1“b°“* B“Y· in Wallabout Bay between the United States and the said city, and thereupon to make, execute, and deliver good and sufficient deeds and releases therefor. Approved, July 2, 1864. . CXIII.—An Ad[ands lo the State o Or on, to aid in the Con- July 2, 1864-

 ofa Military  uge1•e   to the Eastdrn Bqgundavy of said State. ________"

Be it enacted @1; the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Uongres: assembled, That there be, and hereby is, granted to the State of Oregon, to aid in the construction of a militaryt T6=¤¤<1¤ 8;_¤¤*°d wagon-road from Eugene City, by Way of Middle Fork of Willamette lim,;.?:,;,; River, and the most feasible pass in Cascade range of mountains, near road. Diamond Peak, to the eastern boundary of the State, alternate sections of public lands, designated by odd numbers, for three sections in width on each side of said road: Provided, That the lands hereby granted shall Lands to be be exclusively applied in the construction of said road, and shall be dis- :1Ql:}1‘;‘§:::1¤'f' posed of only as the work progresses ; and the same shall be applied to struciiug such no other purpose whatever; and provided further, That any and all lands mil- ds h W heretofore reserved to the United States by act of congress, or other com- ,·m.:,I;S°w;:i°ex_ petent authority, be, and the same are, reserved from the operation of cepted nomthis this act, except so far as it may be necessary to locate the route of said ’·°“· road through the same, in which case the right of way is granted. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said lands hereby granted Lands 81’¤¤*¤d to said state shall be disposed of by the legislature thereof for the pur- {,‘;,l}£pfu:g °f pose aforesaid, and for no other; and the said road shall be and remain &e. ° a public highway for the use of the government of the United States, free from tolls or other charge upon the transportation of any property, troops, or mails of the United States. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted That said road shall be constructed Width, s‘r¤d¤. with such width, graduation, and bridges, as to permit of its regular use &°‘· °f mad' as a wagon-road, and in such other special manner as the State of Oregon ma prescribe. Sec. 4. And be it farther enacted, That the lands hereby granted to Mods omg,. said state shall be disposed of only in the following manner, that is to D0Siti¤¤ ¤fl¤¤d¤· say: that a quantity of land not exceeding thirty sections for said road may be sold; and when the governor of said state shall certify to the Secretary of the Interior that any ten continuous miles of said road are completed, then another quantity of land hereby granted, not to exceed thirty sections, may be sold, and so from time to time until said road is completed; and if said road is not completed within Eve years, no further _ Land torevert sales shall be made, and the land remaining unsold shall revert to the ’*i&°· United States. Approved, July 2, 1864. Curr. CCXIV. -—An Act to establish Colfax Street in the City of Washington and Dis- July 2, 1864. trict of Columbia. """"_"" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the passage hereof, the alley, which is sixty feet wide, across square seven hundred Colfax street and twelve, and which connects L and M streets north, and the west line °“*“b1"h°°‘ of which is two hundred and twelve feet east of the east line of First street east, shall be known as Colfax street. Ssc. 2. Andbe itfmber enacted, That congress may hereafter, at any rms not nag; time, amend or repeal this act. b¤ ¤¤1¤¤<l°d» Approved, July 2, 1864.