Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/389

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THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 216. 1864. SG1 standing, unsatisfied, or uncaucelled bonds of the company shall make up b O¤*¤*¤¤dl¤8 the whole amount per mile to which the company would otherwise have °°ds' been entitled: And provided, further, That before any bonds shall be so Provisos. given by the United States, the company claiming them shall present to the Secretary of the Treasury an afiidavit of the president and secretary of the company, to be sworn to before the judge of a court of record, setting forth whether said company has issued any such bonds or securities, and, if so, particularly describing the same, and such other evidence as the secretary may require, so as to enable him to make the deduction herein required; and such affidavit shall then be filed and deposited in the office of the Secretary of the Interior. And any person swearing falsely to any such affidavit, shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished as aforesaid: Provided, also, That no land granted by this act shall be conveyed to any party or parties, and no bonds shall be issued to any company or companies, party or parties, on account of any road or part thereof; made prior to the passage of. the act to which this act is an amendment, or made subsequent thereto under the provisions of any act or acts other than this act, and the act amended by this act. Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the Leavenworth, Pawnee, and U¤i<>¤ Pacific Western Railroad Company, now known as the Union Pacino Railroad §i’:f;;;,‘;d’ Company, eastern division, shall build the railroad from the mouth of Kansas build railroad, River, by the way of Leavenworth, or, if that be not deemed the best route, &°· then the said company shall, within two years, build a railroad from the city of Leavenworth to unite with the main stem at or near the city of Lawrence; but to aid in the construction of said branch the said company shall not be entitled to any bonds. And if the Union Pacihc Railroad Not entitledto Company shall not be proceeding in good faith to build the said railroad b°“dS ll‘°r°l°’· through the territories when the Leavenworth, Pawnee, and Western Railroad Company, now known as the Union Pacific Railroad Company, eastern division, shall have completed their road to the hundredth degree of longitude, then the lasbnamed company may proceed to make said road westward until it meets and connects with the Central Pacific Railroad Company on the same line. And the said railroad from the mouth of Kansas River to the one hundredth meridian of longitude shall be made by the way of Lawrence and Topeka, or on the bank of the Kansas River opposite said towns: Provided, That nobondsshall be issued or land Proviso. certified by the United States to any person or company, for the construction of any part of the main trunk—line of said railroad west of the one hundredth meridian of longitude and east of the Rocky Mountains, until said road shall be completed from or near Omaha, on the Missouri River, to the said one hundredth meridian of longtitnde. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That at and after the nent election of directors, the number of directors to be elected by the stockholders _Number of shall be nfteen; and the number of directors to be appointed by the d"°°‘°“· President shall be five; and the President shall appoint three additional directors to serve until the next "regular election, and thereafter five directors. At least one of said government directors shall be placed on Government each of the standing committees of said company, and at least one on <ii¤€¤f<>f¤· every special committee that may be appointed. The government directors shall, from time to time, report to the Secretary of the Interior, in Report to answer to any inquiries he may make of them, touching the condition, §]jg$¢¤u<·f*¤¤ management, and progress of the work, and shall communicate to the C m` Secretary of the Interior, at any time, such information as should be in the possession of the department. They shall, as often as may be necessary to a full knowledge of the condition and management of the line, visit all portions of the line of road, whether built or surveyed; and while absent from home, attending to their duties as directors, shall be paid their actual travelling expenses, and be allowed and paid such reavo1.. xm. Pm:.-—-31