Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/411

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THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 242, 243. 1864. 383 intention of this act in establishing said branch, also for the purpose of preserving uniformity of weight, form, and finish in the coin stamped at said branch. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That said branch mint shall be a Branch mintto place of deposit for such public moneys as the Secretary of the Treasury ¥§s‘Qt¥}L;°;lf\$,§g" may direct. And the superintendent of said branch mint, who shall per- moneys, form the duties of treasurer thereof, shall have the custody of the same, and t §>¤P°'1¥*&°¤‘%°¤* also perform the duties of assistant treasurer ; and for that purpose shall be t,°?e,;u°',.:?_S an subject to all the provisions contained in an act entitled “An act to provide for the better organization of the treasury, and for the collection, safe-keeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public revenue," approved August six, eighteen hundred and forty-six, which relates to the treasury 1846, ch. 90. of the branch mint at New Orleans. VOL 'x· P' 59* Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the superintendent of said Certificates of branch mint be authorized, under the direction of the Secretary of the d;{’;2;_"‘zi‘&b° Treasury, and on terms to be prescribed by him, to issue in the payment gust mqgbuiigou. of the gold dust and bullion deposited for assay and coinage, or bars, drafts, or certificates of deposit, payable at the treasury, or any subtreasury of the United States, to any depositor electing to receive pay- ment in that form. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That all the laws and parts of laws Laws for_regu• now in force for the regulation of the mint. of the United States, and for g;‘°‘lO°;;"];‘,t*w the government of the officers and persons employed therein, and for the thislbmneli. punishment of all oiiences connected with the mint or coinage of the United States, shall be, and they are hereby, declared to be in full force in relation to the branch of the mint by this act established, as far as the same may be applicable thereto. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the sum of one hundred thou- mAPP’°P’l“Pl*;: sand dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money 6m,°:;_ry rm in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to carry into effect the provisions of this act, and to meet the expenses of the current year, and. for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth day of June, 1865. Approved, {uly 4, 1864. J5 om. ccxmn. -A» Ae it regulate practising. it com tame Landlord and Tm- July 4. 1864- ants in the District of Columbia. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United- States zyf America in Congress assembled, That a tenancy at will shall not Tenancy at arise or be created without an express contract or letting to that effect, EER';';'} by ““f' and that all occupation, possession, or holding of any messuage or real ’ estate without express contract or lease, or by such contract or lease the terms of which have expired, shall be deemed and held to be tenancies by sufferance; and all estates at will and suiferance may be determined’ by a notice, in writing, to quit, of thirty days, delivered to the tenant in may be deterhand, or to some person of proper age upon the premises, or in the absence ggggg lg'};'};;; of such tenant or person, then such notice may be served by ailixing the served, same to a conspicuous part of the premises, where it may be conveniently read. The attornment of a tenant to a stranger shall be void, and shall not affect the rights of the landlord, unless it be made with the consent, express or implied, of the landlord: Provided, That no part of this section other than that which relates to attornment of a tenant to a stranger shall apply to contracts made, or to any tenancy existing prior to the passage of this act, except in case of waste,'or refusal to pay rent. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That when forcible entry is made, f I'}b‘i°s°’t‘1ff or or when a peaceable entry is made and the possession unlawfully held by ;x;,,,;,?ti,,,¥' force, or when possession is held without right, after the estate is determined by the terms of the lease by its own limitation, or by notice to quit, or otherwise, on written complaint on oath of the person entitled to the