Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/420

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892 THIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 250, 251. 1864. with by such owners or master; and in case such owners or master shall neglect or refuse to comply with provisions of this section, he or they Forfeituro. shall furthermore forfeit and pay for each offence one hundred dollars, and such iiue shall be a lien upon the vessel until paid. _ Informers cn= Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That informers shall be entitled to t'°:l°£t°° all °f one half of any penalty or fine collected under this act, or the said act of pa y’March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, upon their infomation. Steamers bound Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That all steamcrs and other vessels

  • °1f’,;€',;’;1f°"°l5‘é belonging to a citizen or to citizens of the United States, and bound from

BK bow; cm,,,,, any port in the United States to any other port therein, or to any foreign gold, &<=· port, or from any foreign port to any port in the United States, shall, before clearance, receive on board all such bullion, coin, United States notes and bonds and other securities as the government of the United States or any department thereof, or any minister, consul, vice-consul, or commercial or otl er agent of the United States abroad shall offer, and shall securely convey and promptly deliver the same to the proper authorities or consignees on arriving at the port of destination, and shall receive for such service suchreasonable compensation as may be allowed to other carriers 1H the ordinary transactions of business. Approved, July 4, 1864. __ July 4, 1864. CHAP. CCL.-—An Act to pay, in Earl, _$1I;1p,z;b9£hing the Debates of Congress, and for """"""-“‘ er . Be it enacted by the Senate and House ¢y" Representatives of the United _ Setof Congres- States of America in Congress assembled, That the secretary of the Sen- 1;¤*gng;’2§r¤¤d ate and the clerk of the House of Representatives be, and they are heremi), ,,,,,,,0,, gw_ by, directed to purchase from the publishers of the Congressional Globe and Appendix, for each senator, representative, and delegate in the present and each succeeding congress, who has not heretofore received the sarge, on; cpimplege sptjpf gpc Cong;e;siEp`1;tltGlpbe and lpplpendixi to th _P».ytopnb- no. . n ez ur er mace, a teresa epai e ksilffpzgségggor publishers of the Congressional Globe and Appendix, by the secretary 3,,,,,, pages_ of the Senate and the clerk of the House of Representatives, out of the contingent funds of the two houses, according to the number of copies of the Congressional Globe and Appendix taken by each, one cent for every five pages exceeding three thousand pages for a long session, or fifteen hundred pages for a short session, including the indexes and the laws of the United States for this and each future congress. Appropriation, Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the sum of ninety-eight thonsand Eve hundred and forty-four dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purposes herein named for the present congress · and that thirty how disbursed- thousand four hundred and twenty-four dollars of the sdme be disbursed by the secretary of the Senate, and the remainder by the clerk of the House of Representatives. hkepsaling Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That all acts and parts of acts in- ° ““°‘ consistent herewith be, and the same are hereby, repealed: Provided, Eu, g however That the above rovisions are made u on the ex ress condition ma; ¤§;°i3;;l>g that the, ma be abro atgd b either con ress {br the ulilishers of tho these provisions y. y g y . g . . by two yam. Congressional Globe and Appendix at any time after giving two years notice. notice for that purpose. Approved, July 4, 1864. July 4, g35e_ Cntr. CCLI. —An Act making an Appropriation for testing Submarine Inventions. · l Be it enacted the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Apprepnatmn States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of twenty-fiv6 §‘fb'f.'£;€?;$:: thousand dollars is hereby appropriated for the purpose of testing Notions. marine batteries and other inventions, to be applied under the direction