Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/431

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THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. RES. 16, 17, 18. 1864. 408 regiments to the naval service, upon such terms and according to such rules and regulations as he may prescribe: Provided, nevertheless, That Oomp¤uy,&c., the number of transfers from any company or regiment; shall not be so ESQ: :1°in’;‘;';°:_d great as to reduce such company or regiment below the minimum strength ,t,,,¤g,,h_ required by the regulations of the military service: And provided, further, That such sum as may have been paid to persons so transferred, as bounty B0¤¤ty· for entering into the military service, shall be transferred from the recruiting fund of the naval service to the credit of the proper appropriation for the land service. Sec. 2. And be it further resolved, That there shall be paid to each eu- Advance of listed able or ordinary seaman, hereafter enlisted into the naval service, *£'::l!1':;’;‘d*}::l;£“Y an advance of three months' pay, as a bounty to be refunded to the treas- 3,,,,, semen af, uyy from any prize money to which such enlisted man may be entitled, b0t}¤¤?’,d¤>8;>¤ APPROVED, February 24, 1864. mm ° ’ °‘ [No. 16.] Joint Resolutions of Thanks of Congress to the Volunteer Soldiers who have re- March 3, 1864. enlisted in the Army. _""-` Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the thanks of congress are The thanks of hereby given to those noble and brave men who, having already so gal- $g?§;£°::r;°méu_ lantly endured the hardships and perils of war, for more than two years, usung. in support of their country’s Hag, present the sublime spectacle of again voluntarily enrolling themselves in the army of the Union for another three yeurs’ campaign, or so long as the war shall continue. Sec. 2. And be it further resolved, That the Secretary of War cause Time mom. these resolutions to be read to each of the veteran regiments who have *i¤¤¤*¤ bé mad reenlisted, or shall reéulist, in both the volunteer and regular forces of the·t° th° "g1m°m‘ United States. APPROVED, March 3, 1864. _ [N0. 17.] Joint Resolution to continue the Payment of Bvumies. Much 3, 1334, Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the bounties authorized to Bouuges to eu. he paid under existing laws, and by regulations and orders of the War1ist¤g1m¢¤f¤b¤ Department, to veterans reéulisting, or persons enlisting in the regular or °°“““““d‘ volunteer service of the United States for three years, or during the war, See Am, Nos. shall contin[ue] to be paid from the first day of March, eighteen hundred ar °· P—‘*°°· and sixty-four, to the first day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, anything in any law or regulation to the contrary notwithstanding; the said bounties to be paid out of any moneys already appropriated for such purposes. Armzovzn, March 3, 1864. ___ 0. 18. A Rescluti 0 ’I7umks o Con s to Oommodwc Cadwalader Ri old, the March 7, 1864- [N l Oficex, ini Crew eyahe lgviged States Shqa “Sabine." mg —""‘;" Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Sfates of America in Congress assembled, That the thanks of congress are hereby The thanksof tendered to Commodore Ringgold, the officers, petty officers, and men of f§g£:c“Rtfuc?m' the United States ship “Sabine," for the daring and skill displayed in gow, his oiézerg, rescuing the crew of the steam-transport “Govemor," wrecked in a. gale md mw- 011 the first day of November, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, having 011 board a, battalion of United States marines under the command of Major John G. Reynolds, and in the search for, and rescue of; the United States line-of-battle ship “Verm0nt," disabled in a gale upon the twenty-sixth of February last, with her crew and freight.