Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/435

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THIRTY-—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rus. 32, 85, 1864. 407 gulf of corps commanders, the same to take eifect from the day of their $¤¤ PM. N¤· appointment on the staf of the 1ieutenant—genei·al. 78* P' 417* Approved, May 20, 1864. . . 0i¢Res0Zut·ion ovidin ortheEle" o uM a , . lN° 32] J “SZ5S elite, ty M“J.'2‘.JW. “”""‘"" °`°”"'°"’"°"'*‘ ——-—~“ ’”° “°‘ - Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oangress assembled, That in the election of repre- Election of sentatives to congress from the State of Illinois, the additional represents.- m"ml;.°" of1f;?"'. tive allowed to said state by an act entitled "An act fixing the number of §;°ij,,,r;:,, sim the House of Representatives from and after the third day of March, !¤rg¢»¤¤¢il, &¤· aighteen hundred and sixty-three,” approved March fourth, eighteen hun- #3°Qhé_8gg& dred and sixty-two, may be elected by the state at large, until the said l state shall be re-districted by the legislature thereof, for the election of the fourteen members to which said state is now entitled by law. APPROVED, May 20, 1'864. [No. 35.] A Resolution to amend the Charter of the Oity of Waslningwn. June 1, 1864. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembleal That in case any lperson who Q,,,,;;;;,,;,,,,,,,,,, is a qualitied voter in other respects shall offer and claim the right to MQ registered, vote at any election held in the city of Washington, whose name is not $l?,Lm;'f,§,{‘§§t t° registered, his name shall be registered by the commissioners of election regieim-ed. upon the terms and conditions following, namely, he shall take an oath as Terms and follows: You do solemnly swear that you will true answer make to such °°“}lm°” °f questions as shall be asked you touching your qualifications as an elector "glmy' at this poll; So help you God; or an affirmation to the same effect, which oath or aihrmation, if he be unable to understand the English language, may be interpreted to him by one of the commissioners, or an interpreter, sworn by a commissioner, which interpreter shall also interpret his answers to the commissioners. It, in his answers on oath, he shall state positively that he has resided in the city one year next preceding the day of said election, designating particularly the place of his residence, and that he possesses the other qualifications of an elector, and if, furthermore, some qualified elector of the city, not a candidate for any office at that election, shall take an oath before said commissioners, which any one of them may administer, that he is well acquainted with such applicant; that he is, in fact, a resident in the city, and has been one year next previous to such election, and that he (qualified elector) has good reason to believe, and does believe, that all the statements of such applicant are true, the commissioners shall cause his name to be registered by their clerk, and shall then receive the vote of said applicant; or if said applicant shall present the aiiidavit of himself and a qualified elector, duly certified by any justice of the peace in and for the county of Washington, District of Columbia, which shall satisfy the commissioners that the applicant has been a resident of the city one year next preceding the day of such election, and that he is otherwise a qualified elector, the commissioners may cause the app'licant’s name to be registered, as hereinbefore provided, and they shall then receive his vote; and if said applicant or such qualified elector False swearing shall, in said matter, wilful1y make any false statement, he shall be ;‘:‘g"' *;’{*L°“m deemed guilty of perjury, and, on conviction, be subject to the pains and e P U ry' penalties thereofi Ammovma, June 1, 1864.