Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/439

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THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sass- I. RES. 49, 50, 51, 53. 1864. 411 [Ne. 49.]. Joint élesoluizpg tghcontinue tgnfgrce the Joint ‘%pt1fe]splu- gum, 271 1864, M `(I 2 fl m S · EI BTI -—-—-i- $.'.‘1§.’.Z.}"Z'..°.€z"’ .on}Z.. ” L“““ "°"’ “""'° '"' ‘“"""’ * ” ‘ 40;;, N.. np. Be it resolved by the Senate and fbuse of .Representatz'ves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the joint resolution in- I¤}¢F€¤S€d creasing the duties on imports, approved April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, be, and is hereby, continued in force until the nrst lst, 1864. day of July next. Approved, June 27, 1864. [No. 50.] Joint Besolutnm correcting cg Error in the Award of the Emancipation Jung 28, 1864, ommzssumers. -—·—··-··· Be it resolved by the Senate and Muse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Clerical error Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to correct a clerical error in f*t}°¤***'l¤€“"”d entering the amount of the award of the commissioners under the act of the sixteenth of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entitled “An rested. act for the release of certain persons held to service or labor in the Dis- 1862·,Fh‘ 5* trict of Columbia," in the case of Nicholas Bowie, claimed by Martha V°1‘X”‘P’376' Manning. APPROVED, June 28, 1864. [No. 51.] Joint Resolution to incorporate the Young Men’s Christian Association of the June 28, 1864. City of Washington. W Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Benjamin Stinemets, Young Mem Samuel McElwee, jr., A. I. Stoddart, Samuel Ker Roberts, S. Jordan, C}}1‘i¤fi¤¤AS§<><>i- Albert Ebeling, Charles H. Norton, George M. Powell, Warren Choate, w;;h?£;htg;1;,{_°f Nicholas Du Bois, Joseph T. Brown, and Joseph C. Clayton, and their ee;-pointed. successors in office, be, and they are hereby, incorporated and made a body politic and corporate by the name of the Young Men’s Christian Association of the City of Washington, and by that name may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court of law or equity, and may have and use a common seal, and the same change at pleasure, and have, use, and exercise the powers, rights, and privileges incident to such corporation. Smo. 2. And be it further resolved, That the said corporation shall be gh? h°ld{°”·1 capable of acquiring, receiving, taking, and holding realand personal 2§,,,2?rs°m estate, which estate shall never be divided among the members of the corporation, but shall descend to their successors for the promotion of religious, moral, educational, and benevolent purposes of said corporation. Sec. 3. And be it further resolved, That this corporation shall have Constitution power to alter and amend its constitution and by—laws: Provided, That m.1by.1ewsmay they do not conflict with the laws of the United States, or the laws of bs ¤¤¤¤¤d<>d· the corporation of the city of Washington. Sec. 4. And be it further resolved, That said corporation shall not C¤fD<>f¤¢i9¤ exercise banking privileges, or issue or put in circulation bank notes, or Egggnigxgfgfjf any note, paper, token, scrip, or device to be used as currency. leges, nor issue Sec. 5. And be it further resolved, That congress reserves the right to °}F;`]’:;Z£ may be alter, amend, or repeal this act at any t1me. amended, {ec, Approved, June 28, 1864. lNo. 53.] Joint Resolution to authorize the Postmaster- General to extend the Contract with June 30, 1864, the Overland Mail Company. ”"'_‘—" Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster-General be,