Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/442

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414 TI—IIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. RES. 60, 61, 62. 1864. pany for the moneys expended by them in the construction of said locks and canal as herein provided. Approved, July 1, 1864. Jul? 1. 1864- [N0. 60.] A Resolution explanatory of the Tenth Section of “An Act lo reduce the Ex- 1 penses if the Survey and Sale of the Public Lands in the United States, approved, Mag veil xii. p.,410.- 3°· 1862 Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the tenth section of an act entitled "An act to reduce the expenses of the survey and sale of the Deposits for 6X_ public lands in the United States," approved the thirtieth day of May, p,,,,,,, of ,,,,,,5,, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, providing for the deposit of money in a ofpubliclands. proper United States depository to pay for the survey of public lands, shall be construed to be an appropriation of the sums so deposited for the objects contemplated in the said tenth section, and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to cause the sums deposited under the said section to be placed to the credit of the proper appropriations for the surveying service: Provided, That any excesses in the sums so deposited, over and above the actual cost of the surveys, comprising all expenses incident thereto, for which they were severally deposited, shall be repaid to the depositors respectively. Ari-novnn, July 1, 1864. July 1, 1864. [N0. 61.] A Resolution to authorize the Acquisition ofcertain Land for the Use of the Gav- _"—"""‘"" ernment Hospital for the Insane. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Inte— Lgmdto bg rior is hereby authorized to deed to John Perkins a portion of the exd¢¢d9d *9 John treme south point or angle of the farm of the government hospital for the 5f;:,?,-Q`; {fhg insane, in exchange for two acres of land, more or less, now owned and efhi§’for the occupied by the said Perkins, and situated near the middle of that side l‘n‘;?;;“l f°' lh° of the hospital farm which fronts upon the public roads: Provided, That p,,,,};,,,, not more than three acres is given for one contained in the last-described piece of land belonging to the said Perkins: And provided, further, That the said Perkins is able to give, and does give, to the United States a good and sufficient title to the piece of land now owned and occupied by him. _ [Sec. 2.] And be it further resolved, That the Secretary of the Inteeggggyogpéed rior is further authorized to defray the expense of moving the dwellingliu. house on the present Perkins! tract to the tract exchanged for it, and of digging and walling a well, out of any appropriation already made, or that may be made, For inclosing the grounds of the hospital. Approved, July 1, 1864. July 1, 1864. [No. 62.] A Resolution regulating tlw Investment of the Llaval-Pension Fund. _`"""` Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy, Momvs bdO,,g_ as trustee of the naval pension fund, be, and he is hereby, authorized and ing to the naval directed to cause to be invested in the registered securities of the United £g’;h‘;“b2";£_ States, on the first day of January and the first day of July of each year, vested. so much of the said fund then in the treasury of the United States as may not be required for the payment of naval pensions for the then current Hscal year; and upon the requisition of the said secretary, so much of the said fund as may not be required for such payment of pensions accruing dur. ing the current fiscal year, shall be held in the treasury on the days aforesaid in each year, subject to his order for the purpose of such immediate investment; and the interest payable in coin upon the said securities in