Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/478

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troller,Comptroller of the currency. clerks, messenger, and laborer, sixty-four thousand nine hundred and forty dollars.

Contingent expenses of Treasury Department;
in office of the secretary.
Contingent Expenses of the Treasury Department.

In the office of the Secretary of the Treasury:

For copying, labor, binding, sealing ships' registers, translating foreign languages, advertising, and extra clerk-hire for preparing and collecting information to be laid before congress, and for miscellaneous items, fifty thousand dollars.

Pay of temporary clerks.
Clerks may be classified, &c.
For compensation to temporary clerks in the Treasury Department, and for additional compensation to clerks in same department: Provided, That the temporary clerks herein provided for may be classified according to the character of their services; And provided further, That the Secretary of the Treasury may award such additionalAdditional pay prior to July 1, 1866. compensation to clerks as in his judgment may be deemed just and may be required by the public service, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; but the said secretary shall not have the authority to award any such additional compensation to such clerks after the first day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-six.

Contingent expenses in office of 1st comptroller;

In the office of the first comptroller:

For furniture, public documents, state and territorial statutes, postage, and miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars.

of 2d comptroller;

In the office of the second comptroller:

For furniture and miscellaneous items, including subscription to one city newspaper, to be bound and preserved for the use of the office, four thousand dollars.

of 1st auditor;

In the office of the first auditor:

For office furniture and miscellaneous items, one thousand five hundred dollars.

of 2d auditor;

In the office of the second auditor:

For office furniture and miscellaneous items, including two of the city newspapers, to be filed and preserved for the use of the office, twenty-five thousand dollars.

of 3d auditor;

In the office of the third auditor:

For office furniture, carpeting, two newspapers, preserving files and papers, bounty-land service, and miscellaneous items, fifteen thousand dollars.

of 4th auditor;

In the office of the fourth auditor:

For contingent expenses of the office, three thousand dollars.

of 5th auditor;

In the office of the fifth auditor:

For postage, furniture, and miscellaneous expenses, in which are included two daily newspapers, two thousand dollars.

of treasurer;

In the office of the treasurer:

For contingent expenses of the office, ten thousand dollars.

of register;

In the office of the register:

For arranging and binding cancelled marine papers, cases for official papers and records, and miscellaneous items, including office furniture, eight thousand dollars.

of solicitor;

Office of the solicitor of the treasury:

For labor and miscellaneous items, and for statutes and reports, two thousand two hundred dollars.

of commissioner of customs;

Office of the commissioner of customs:

For miscellaneous items and office furniture, three thousand dollars.

of comptroller of currency.

Office of the comptroller of the currency:

Furniture. For furniture and miscellaneous items, five thousand dollars.

Stationery. For stationery for the Treasury Department and its several bureaus, one hundred thousand dollars.

Southeast executive building. For the general purposes of the Southeast Executive Building, including the extension.—For compensation of twelve watchmen and eleven laborers of the southeast executive building, sixteen thousand five hundred and sixty dollars.