Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/496

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468 'I‘HIR'I‘Y—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 76, 77. 1865 March 2, 1865. Cmur. LXXVI. —An Act to establish the Office of Solicitor and Naval Judge-Advocate. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Solicitor and States of America in Oemgress assembled, That the liresident be, and he

3:**; 5,;'l8¤· 1 is hereby, authorized to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of

,,0 bg :,,p£,ll;l£ the Senate, for service during the rebellion and one year thereafter, an otlioer in the .Navy Department, to be called the “Solicitor and Naval Judge-Advocate General," at an annual salary of three thousand five hun. dred dollars, and that until the close of the fiscal year ending June thir- Salary. tieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, the salary herein provided for shall be paid from any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Fees ,-0,- mc. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the fees for record m naval gg rgyplul (coarts·martial shall not in any one case exceed the sum of two hundred ‘ dollars. Approved, March 2, 1865. March 3, 1865. CRAP. LXXVII.-—An Act to provide Ways and Means for the Support ofMe Government. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Smmry of States of America in Oongress assernbleu', That the Secretary oflthe Treasury may Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to borrow, from time to time, §§g,°§{,6‘3l,6"f,fd on the credit of the United States, in addition to the amounts heretofore issue’boiids,’&¢. authorized, any sums not exceeding in the aggregate six hundred millions of dollars, and to issue therefor bonds or treasury notes of the United Bonds, and States, in such form as he may prescribe; and so much thereof as may be

l;°“ '°‘l°°'““‘ issued in bonds shall be of denominations not less than fifty dollars, and

' may be made payable at any period not more than forty years from date of issue, or may» be made redeemable, at the pleasure of the government, at or after any period not less than Eve years nor more than izorty years from date, or may be made redeemable and payable as aforesaid, as may be expressed upon their face; and so much thereof as may be issued in Treasury treasury notes may be made convertible into any bonds authorized by this “°““‘ act, and may he of such denominations —— not less than fifty dollars -— and bear such dates and be made redeemable or payable at such periods as in the opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury may- be deemed expedient. Interest- And the interest on such bonds shall be payable semi-annually; and on treasury notes authorized by this act the interest may be made payable Principal and semi-annually, or annually, or at maturity thereof; and the principal, or i¤*¤¤¢§¤ Mw interest, or both, may be made payable in coin or in other lawful money: P°§°'b °',, Provided, That the rate of interest on any such bonds or treasury tm,,:? ° m` notes, when payable in coin, shall not exceed six per centum per annum; and when not payable in coin shall not exceed seven and three tenths per centum per annum; and the rate and character of interest shall be expressed on all such bonds or treasury notes : And provided, further, That 1864,ch. 172. the act entitled “An act to provide ways and means for the support of 4**% P- 218- the government, and for other purposes," approved June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixtytfour, shall be so construed as to authorize the issue of bonds of any description authorized by this act. And any treasury notes or other obligations bearing intéerest, issnefd pndpr any act of congreis, ma , at the discretion of the ecretar o the reasur , and wit the Convertible. conlsent of the holder, be converted intoyany description df bonds authorized by this act; and no bonds so authorized shall be considered a part of the amount of six hundred millions hereinbefore authorized. Bomysiwhm, Sec. 2. And be it_/iurther enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury may be disposed may dispose of any of the bonds or other obligations issued under this

£;:_d °° "h“° act, either in the United States or elsewhere, in such manner, and at such

rates, and under such conditions, as he may think advisable, for coin, or for other lawful money of the United States, or for any treasury notes, certicates of indebtedness, or certificates of deposit, or other representatives of value, which have been or may be issued under any act of con-