Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/516

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488 THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 79. 1865. Persons dis- Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That every non-commissioned officer, fgsgggfwomh private, or other person, who has been, or shall hereafter be, discharged &c., horeceive ’fr0m the army of the United States by reason of wounds received in l>°¤¤W· battle, on skirmish, on picket, or in action, or in the line of duty, shall be entitled to receive the same bounty as if he had served out his full term; and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this are hereby repealed. Pay and allow- Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That all persons of color who were

?°c;j0:fg’:1‘;°té';’ enlisted and mustered into the military service of the United States in

gw, South Carolina, by and under the direction of Major-General Hunter ' and Brigadier-General Saxton, in pursuance of the authority from the Secretary of War, dated August twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty- two, “ that the persons so received iuto service, and their ofiieers, to be entitled to and receive the same pay and rations as are allowed by law to other volunteers in the service;" and in every case where it shall be made to appear to the satisfaction of the Secretary of War that any regiment of colored troops has been mustered into the service of the United States, under any assurance by the President or the Secretary of War, that the non-commissioned officers and privates of such regiment should be paid the same as other troops of the same arm of the service, shall, from the date of their enlistment, receive the same pay and allowances as are allowed by law to other volunteers in the military service; and the Secretary of War shall make all necessary regulations to cause payment to be made in accordance herewith. {Sli wélmevw _ Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the President is hereby author-

 °' °°` 1zed to enlist or organize, out of troops already in the service, six regiments

of volunteer engineers, to be organized in accordance with existing laws, Pay,&c. to have the same pay and allowances of engineer troops of the regular army, and to be subjected to the rules and articles of war. _V¤1¤ntm en- Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the President is hereby authorg"‘°°”' ized to enlist two additional companies to be added to the regiment of volunteer engineers raised under the provisions of an act approved May 1864, eh. 92. twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, entitled "An act to organize A"’°· P- 80- a regiment of veteran vo1unteers," and said regiment shall be considered one of the regiments authorized in the preceding section of this act. Reduced regu. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That whenever a. regiment in the l¤¥‘¤Sl¤¢¤*S· regular army is reduced below the minimum number, no officer shall be appointed in such a regiment beyond those necessary for the command of such reduced number. _ Brevet omcers Sec. 9. And be itjiutlaer enacted, That officers by brevet in the regular m "g“l'“ “"‘Y‘ army shall receive the same pay and allowance as brevet officers of the same grade or rank in the volunteer service, and no more. Double rations Sec. 10. And be it farther enacted, That the true construction of the

,lg’;{‘;‘}£';“lY *° sixth section of the "aet respecting the organization of the army, and for

m' other ur . " d A t tw nt -th'rd eivhte n hundred and 1842, Cb_ 186, p poses, approve ugusl e y i , D e 56. forty-two, and of all laws relating in any way to the allowance of double V°l· V- P- 513- rations to officers, authorizes such allowance to the following officers, and to no others whatever: to the general-in-chief commanding the armies of the United States; to each general officer commanding in chief a separate army actually in the Held; to each general officer commanding a geographical division embracing one or more military departments; and to each officer commanding a military geographical department; and that any general order or regulation or usage allowing double rations to a chief of staif or any other officer than those above mentioned is illegal and void. _B¤untg to Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the bounty of one hundred gméggifid dollars, provided by present laws to be paid to the heirs of volunteers fn bugs, killed in battle, shall be extended to the widow if living, or if she be dead to the children of any volunteer who shall have been or may be killed in the_s§rvi_ce, whether he shall have enlisted for two years or for a less perio o time.