Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/523

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THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C'H. 80, 81. 1865. 495 Sec. I3. And be it further enacted, That the eighth section of the act Duties upon of March twenty-third, [eight] eighteen hundred and fifty-four, “ to ex- 3°£2lS]><Ld¤ tend the warehousing system by establishing private bonded warehouses, cgouuii; ,0 {8 and for other purposes," which authorized the Secretary of the Treasury, abated. in case of the actual injury or destruction of goods, wares, or merchandise 354. ch- 30. by accidental fire or other casualty, while in warehouse under bond, &c., § g·_,i_ X_p_ om to abate or refund the duties paid or accruing thereon, be extended so as to include goods, wares, or merchandise injured or destroyed in like manner while in the custody of the officers of the customs, and not in bond, and also to goods, wares, and merchandise so injured or destroyed after their arrival within the limits of any port of entry of the United States, and before the same have been bonded [landed] under the suspension [supervision] of the officers of the customs: Provided, That this act shall proviso, apply only to cases arising from and after its passage, and to cases where the duties have not already been paid. Approved, March 3, 1865. . X XI.-An Act makin A o riations or the Su ori 0 th Arm or the _ CHAP L X Har ending thirtiefb Jig; Eighteen lzifndred andpgixtysfiz:. e y f · Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the followingsums be, and Army approthe same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not P¤¤¤°¤¤· otherwise appropriated, for the support of the army for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-six: For expenses of recruiting, transportation of recruits, and compensa- Recruiting, &c_ tion to citizen surgeons for medical attendance, three hundred thousand dollars. For bounties and premiums for the enlistment of recruits for the regu- Bounties, &c. lar army, three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For pay of the army, ten million dollars. Pay. For commutation of officers’ subsistence, one million seven hundred and Commutation. and forty-seven thousand three hundred and twenty-four dollars. For commutation of forage for ofi'icers’ horses, one hundred and four thousand six hundred dollars. For payments in lieu of clothing for otHcers’ servants, eighty-two thou- Pay in lieu of sand seven hundred and sixty dollars. °l°“‘“‘g‘ For payments to discharged soldiers for clothing not drawn, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For pay of volunteers, two hundred million dollars. Pay of volun- For subsistence in kind for regulars, volunteers, and drafted men, we"' _ , ninety-two million seven hundred and eighty-two thousand and forty-three ki§(;bSm°°°° in dollars and seventy cents. For the regular supplies of the quartermastefs department, consisting Quartsrmasof fuel for the officers, enlisted men, guard, hospitals, storehouses, and ms d”P"""”‘°‘"“ offices; of forage in kind for the horses, mules, and oxen for the quartermaster’s department, at the several posts and stations, and with the armies in the field; for the horses of the several regiments of cavalry, the batteries of artillery, and such companies of infantry as may be mounted, and for the authorized number of officers’ horses when serving in the field and at the outposts, including bedding for the animals; of straw for soldiers’ bedding, and of stationery, including blank books for the quartermaster’s department, certificates for discharged soldiers, blank forms for the pay and quartermaster’s departments; and for the printing of division and department orders and reports, fifty million dollars. For the incidental expenses of the quartermaster’s department, consist- Incidental oxing of postage on letters and packages received and sent by officers of the P¢¤5<**_°ftl¤¤*'*<*'· army on public service ; expenses of courts-martial, military commissions, S depam and courts of inquiry, including the additional compensation of judgeadvocates, recorders, members, and witnesses, while on that service;