Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/525

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THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 81. 1865. 497 For clothing for the army, camp and garrison equipage, and for ex- Clothing and penses of offices and arsenals, fifty million dollars. mm? °<l°’P°Sf· For contingencies of the army, four hundred thousand dollars. C°¤{l¤%¤¤¤*°$· For the medical and hospital department, six million dollars. d°M:3:;:kc&‘°·· For ex enses of the commanding eneral’s office, ten thousand dol- p '- P g .Com{nanfdpng BPS. genera ‘s office. For the secret service, one hundred thousand dollars. 5,,,,,,, ,8,,,;,,.,, For armament of fortifications, three million five hundred thousand Armament or dollars. fortifications. For the current expenses of the ordnance service, one million two hun- vi£*d¤¤**¤¤ “" dred and fifty thousand dollars. ' For ordnance, ordnance stores, and supplies, including horses, and the Ordnance, purchase and manufacture of army accoutrements and horse equipments ¤¤>¤>=*· &¤· ibr voluntars and regulars, twenty million dollars. For the manufacture of arms at the national armory, three million five Manufacture hundred thousand dollars. vf Um- For repairs, improvements, and new machinery at the national armory, tR<=p¤irs, Src., one hundred thousand dollars. ° ‘“`m°"Y· For the purchase of gunpowder and lead, two million five hundred Gqupgwdgr thousand dollars. ¤¤d BB · For repairs and improvements at arsenals, including new and additions Among, to present buildings, and machinery, tools, and fixtures, five hundred thousand dollars. For signal service of the army, one hundred thousand dollars. Signal service. For salaries of two clerks in the signal office, two thousand eivht hun- .1 .1 .1 11 ° ° re dollars. Sec. 2. And ba it further enacted, That to supply a deficiency in the Deficiency for appropriations for the current fiscal year, for ordnance, ordnance stores, £‘f;L’°,l`6;"`d‘ and supplies, including the purchase and manufacture of arms, accoutre- ’ ` ments, and horse equipments for volunteers and regulars, the sum of seven millions of dollars is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That from and after the first day Cnmmutatinu of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and during the continuance of ·°;;>;ll;g¤’ 5**** the present rebellion the commutation price of officers’ subsistence shall ° n ' be fifty cents per ration: Provided, That said increase shall not apply to Proviso. the commutation price of the rations of any officer above the rank of brevet brigadier-general, or of any officer entitled to commutation for fuel or quarters. _ Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That all officers of volunteers now of23E;;:??:" in commission, below the rank of brigadier-general, who shall continue in hm, tm, the military service to the close of the war, shall be entitled to receive, months my upon being mustered out of said service, three months' pay proper. xlxegfgetzigfd Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That commissioned officers of the Omcmin me army, serving in the field, shall hereafter be permitted to purchase rations field may buy _ for their own use, on credit, from any commissary of subsistence, at cost §‘;;f°"S °° °"d**• prices, and the amount due for rations so purchased shall be reported monthly to the paymaster-general, to be deducted from the payment next following such purchase. And the Secretary of War is hereby directed to issue such orders and regulations as he may deem best calculated to insure the proper observance hereof Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War is prop; fort hereby authorized and directed to cause tobacco to be furnished to the xsfpiicgfn “ enlisted men of the army at cost prices, exclusive of the cost of transportation, in such quantities as they may require, not exceeding sixteen ounces per month, and the amount due therefor shall be deducted from their pay in the same manner as at present provided for the settlement of clothing accounts. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That, in addition to the amount here- Additional up- 42 *