Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/58

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30 THIRTY-·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 35, 36. 1864. Wrappinggpa- For wrapping-paper, eighty-eight thousand dollars. P°'· *W’”°» °· For twine, sixteen thousand dollars. For ohice stamps, five thousand dollars. For letter balances, two thousand five hundred dollars. Blank ¤K¤¤¤, For compensation to blank agents and assistants, mx thousand ive hun: &°‘ dred dollars. For office furniture, two thousand dollars. For advertising, thirty-Eve thousand dollars. U Postage stamps For postage stamps and stamped envelopes,'-ninety thousand dollars. and Stamped 4 For mail depredations and special agents, sixty thousand dollars.

gg;igE$°]$;Q1` For mail—bags, sixty thousand dollars. _

&¤.For mail locks and keys, ten thousand dollars. · Foreign balances. For payment of balances due to foreign countries, two hundred thousand dollars. Liiscellaneous. For miscellaneous payments, two hundred thousand dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if the revenues of the Post- Deficiency ap- Office Department shall be insufficient to meet the appropriations of this I;;‘;g;;‘;;"‘]"· ‘f act, then the sum of one million five hundred thousand dollars, or so much ‘thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply deficiencies in the revenue of the Post-Oiiice Department for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-Eve. Approved, March 16, 1864, Mulch wi 1864- CuA1>. XXXV. -—An Act in Addition to an Act to amend the Laws relating m the Post· _i§é§T§f YQ? Ofice Department, approved March three, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. 42nd_ Xg_ p_ 70g_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ F¤mki¤z_PfiV- States ry" America in Congress assembled, That the franking privilege of §?§;';$1§'$LB_' the President and the Vice-President of the United States shall extend President. to and cover all mail matter sent from, or directed to, either of them. Approved, March 16, 1864. March 21, 1864. CHAP. XXXVI. —-An Act to enable the People g` Nevada logbrm a Constitution and ""°_"‘”` State Government, andfar the Admission of such tate into the nicm on an equal Fading with I/ne original States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Territory of States of America in Congress assembled, That the inhabitants of that g;2’€“d£cm"d?“ portion of the territory of Nevada included in the boundaries herein- ' ’after designated be, and they are hereby, authorized to form for themselves, out of said territory, a state government, with the name aforesaid, which said state, when formed, shall be admitted into the Union upon an equal footing with the original states, in all respects whatsoever. goummjw Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said state of Nevada shall consist of all the territory included within the following boundaries, to wit: Ccmmencing at a. point formed by the intersection of the thirty- eighth degree of longitude west from Washington with the thirty-seventh degree of north latitude ; thence due west along said thirty-seventh degree of north latitude to the eastern boundary line of the state of California; thence in a northwesterly direction along the said eastern boundary line of the state of California to the forty-third degree of longitude west from Washington; thence north along said forty-third degree of west longitude and said eastern boundary line of the state of California to the tbrty-second degree of north latitude; thence due east along thi said forty-second degree of north latitude to a point formed by its inter section with the aforesaid thirty-eighth degree of longitude west from Washington; thence due south down said thirty-eighth degree of west longitude to the place of beginning.