Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/586

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558 THIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 127. 1865. to the seventh section of the act of March third, eighteen hundred and fiilzy-five, granting bounty lands to Indians, fourteen hundred dollars: Y¤>Vi=’·¤· Provided, That the said clerk shall not be employed after the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, unless specially provided for by law. For compensation of two extra clerks in the Indian office, employed to carry out the treaty with the Chickasaws in the adjustment of their claims, Pmviso. two thousand eight hundred dollars: Provided, That the said extra clerks shall not be employed after the thirtietb day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, unless specially provided for by law. Deliyery or For insurance, transportation, and necessary expenses of the delivery g?:£2:z}?n&_ of annuities and provisions to the Indian tribes in Minnesota and Michisom and wom- gan, twenty thousand three hundred and fifty dollars and sixty-two cents. sw; For insurance, transportation, and necessary expenses of the delivery P(;;c§;*‘;gg°¤» of Pawnee, Ponca, and Yanctou Sioux annuity goods and provisions, ten yamm}, Sioux; thousand dollars. to Blackfeet For expenses of transportation and delivery of annuity goods to the I¤di¤¤S· Blackfeet Indians, for the year, seventeen thousand dollars. Vaccination. For expenses attending the vaccination of Indians, two thousand five hundred dollars. ‘ Indian service For the general incidental expenses of the Indian service in Oregon x202Q5o? ¤¤d and Washington Territory, including insurance and transportation of an-

  • 35 mg`°°‘ nuity goods and presents, (where no special provision therefor is made by

treaties,) and office and travelling expenses of the superintendent and sub-agents, zhirty-five thousand dollars. Removal and For defraying the expenses of the removal and subsistence of Indians §‘;’;;S§;"Bi:ég:' in Oregon and Washington Territory, (not parties to any treaty,) and for and Yvaghjngtgu, pay of necessary employees, fifty thousand dollars. Indian service Indian Service in Nevada. -— For the general incidental expenses of i¤ N°V¤d*9 the Indian service in Nevada, presents of goods, agricultural implements. and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abcdcs, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty-five thousand dollars. in Utah; Indian Service in Mah Tm1'tory.— For the general incidental expenses of the Indian service in Utah Territory, presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized life, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty-five thousand dollars. in Colorado. Indian Service in Oolorado Terr2'i0ry. -— For the general incidental expenses of the Indian service in Colorado Territory. presents of goods, agricultural implements, and other useful articles, and to assist them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain themselves by the pursuits of civilized lite, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty-five thousand dollars. Inmmou For payment of interest on fifteen thousand dollars, abstracted bonds, ¤gE;_';¤;;ds€§£?» for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-fivé, and ummm for the Cherokee school-fund, nine hundred dollars. funds. For payment of interest on sixty-eight thousand dollars, abstracted bonds, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-fivc, of the Cherokee national fund, four thousand and eighty dollars. _ Navajo Indians Navu_y`a Indians in New Méxic0.—For subsistence for the Navajo “‘ Nw M°’“°°· Indians, and for the purchase of agricultural implements, seeds, and other articles necessary for breaking the ground on the reservation upon the Pecos River, one hundred thousand dollars : Provided, That any part of said sum may be used to fumish wool or other necessary materials to said Indians, to be by them manufactured into clothing and blankets.