Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/597

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THIRTYQEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Res. 16, 17, 18, 19. 1865. 569 [No. 16.] A Resolution appointiry Gmneral Richard Delafield to be a Regent of the Smith- Feb. 14, 1865, sonian Institution. 'l"_" _Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Richard Delatield, resident General Richof Washington city, be, and he hereby is, appointed a regent of the :;‘LD:‘“6°I: f Smithsonian Institution, in the place of Joseph G-. Totten, deceased. Smiihdiiiininin. Approved, February 14, 1865. stitution- [Nc. 17.] A Resolution w mend the Hm fn- the Reversion to the United States n" the Feb. 17 1865. Lands granted by Cotpren to aid in the Cbnstruction of a Railroad from Pere Marquette -·~———-L-—-— to Flint, and for the ompletzon of sazd Road. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives ¢y" the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the time specified in the _Timc for reyes fourth section of the act of congress approved June three, eighteen hun- g2;’t;s°*Q°cEr';g°d dred and fifty-six, entitled "An act making a grant of alternate sections 1,,,,,,,, Mich, su of the public lands to the State of Michigan to aid in the construction of granted to wif certain railroads in said state, and for other purposes," for the reversion "°“dS* °X°°“d°d‘ to the United States of the lands granted by said act to aid in the con- 5 _}856· °h‘ 44- struction of a railroad from Pere Marquette to Flint, and for the comple- vo}, xi, P, 22, tion of said road, be, and the same is hereby, extended for the term of five ears. Agrnovnn, February 17, 1865. [No. 18.] Joint Resolution topenabk the Secretaryé/` the Treasury to obtain the Title to Feb. 23, 1865. certain Property m Carson Ozty and State of Nev a, for the Purposes of a Branch Mint ‘""—"" located in said Place. Wnmzms the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, in order pmmbn, to carry into effect an act entitled "An act to establish a branch mint of the United States in the Territory of Nevada," approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, has purchased of Moses Job and 186;;, eh_ c6_ Margaret, his wife, and James L. Riddle, the preémptors and occupants V¢>l·xii·p·770» thereof, certain city or town lots in said Carson City, together with all the valuable improvements thereon; and whereas it is highly important for the interest of the government to obtain, at an early day, the use and possession of said property, to establish and open said branch mint: Therefore, Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Title to certain Treasury be, and be is hereby, authorized to receive and accept from said ****1 ¤¤*¤·¤9 i¤ Moses Job and Margaret, his wife, and James L. Riddle, such relinquish- g33x??;,? b° ments and conveyances of their right and claim to said lots and property branch mint. as he, the said Secretary, shall deem sufficient for the extinguishment of any claim, right, or title which the said Moses Job and Margaret, his wife, and James L. Riddle may or can have thereto; and said lots and property shall thereafter be reserved from public sale, preemption, or homestead settlement, and shall remain the property of the United States. Approved, February 23, 1865. [No. 19.] Joint Resolution tafacilitate !heA¢§ustment of certain Accounts of the American Feb- 23, 1865- Oolonizatibn Society for the Support ofrecaptured A_/Hcans in Libenh. "§""' . Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the In- Accounts of terior be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to adjust and settle the gl? AP¤°:{°**¤S°_ accounts of the American Colonization Society for the support of recap- ,,,gt(;°;:°b;°;d_ tured Africans in Liberia, under contracts made for that purpose under justedthe authority of the act of congress approved June sixteenth, eighteen 1860, qb-136· hundred and sixty, on the principles of equity. V°1‘ m' P' *°‘ Armtovnn, February 23, 1865. 48 •