Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 13.djvu/600

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572 THIRTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. RES. 31, 32, 33. 1865 Comparison resolution, and a comparison to be made between the reports of the olli gggw;;gc;ggg¤·¤ cers in charge of the quartermastefs depots at New York, Philadelphia, Il . . · , . . '. . . hm}, Cincinnati, Saint Louis, and Louisville, and the articles on hand. Inventory of Sec. 2. And be it further resolved, That the Secretary of the Navy, in §;;’§°“Y;“ P°S· like manner, be directed to cause an inventory to be made of all the propon o naval . , . . m,,,k,,epm_ eptyhoféhe gngpd States, in possession of the several naval storekeepers o· the nite atcs. Armzovnn, March 3, 1865. March 3, 1865. [N0. Slgp A Resolution relating to International Exhibitions at Bergen, in Norway, and '_"’__“‘*" orto, in Portugal, during the Summer of eighteen hundred and sixtygive. Preamble. WHEREAS the governments of the kingdom of Sweden and Norway, and of the kingdom of Portugal, have communicated to the government of the United States the programmes of two international exhibitions to be held respectively at Bergen, in Norway, and at Oporto, in Portugal, during the summer of eighteen hundred and sixty-five: Therefore, Resolved by t/ee Senate and House of Representatives of the United lQ*€l‘P¤*i0¤¤l States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the §;1Qg;;:‘°§T;f;&y United States is hereby charged with the duty of making known to andOpbrto,Port; the people of the United States, by proclamation, or otherwise, as shall Wal- to him seem best, the facts in his possession relating to the international exhibitions proposed to be held at Bergen, Norway, and Oporto, Portugal, during the summer of eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and of inviting Prcviso- their participation therein: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred for any agency with regard to such exhibition ; nor shall any claim of any agent of our government be hereafter recognized. Approved, March 3, 1865. March 8, 1865. [N0. 32.] Joint Resolution to amend the 'oint Resolution entitled ".Ioint Resolution in Rela-

7' tion to the Public Printing," approved] June twentg-third, eighteen hundred and sixty.

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Paper for print States of America in Congress assembled, That the superintendent of i”€» Mw Pm" public printing shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to purchase the chased. . . . . . _ _, paper required for the public printing by accepting the sealed pioposals of the lowest bidder or bidders for any specific portion or portions of the whole amount of any particular kind of paper required, for either three months, six months, or one year, the minimum portion to be specined by the superintendent in his advertisement for proposals, and to be as low as will, in his judgment, most increase competition, and be most advantageous _ to the United States. In all other respects the proposals and contracts shall be subject to the conditions and requirements of the existing law; and any contractor failing to comply with the terms of his contract, under this resolution,shall be liable to the same extent, and in the same manner as provided in the like case in the joint resolution hereby amended; and it shall be the duty of the superintendent to report fully in regard to all proposals and contracts for paper in his annual report to congress, and also in regard to all proposals and contracts for lithographing and engravm . ixrrxovnn, March 3, 1865. N . 33. A Resolution directin In uir into the Condition o the Indian Tribes, and their

 [ 0 ] Treatment by tl; Oibil and Military Augorities.

Resolved the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Joint commit? of America in Congress assembled, That there be raiseda joint committee,

?§n°;‘fll;e°f;‘fl*’ to consist of three members of the Senate, to be appointed by the president

diau tribes_ of the Senate, and four members of the present House, to be appointed by Duties and the speaker of the House of Representatives, to inquire into the present P°W°”· condition of the Indian tribes, and especially into the manner in‘wbich they are treated by the civil and military authorities of the United States,